Creative Schemes of Work Competitive AA Health, Fitness & Well Being
Yr 7 Dance Theme Action Words Quality Action / Reaction Relationships Space Action / Reaction Quality
Theme Escape Creep Explode Dart
Yr 7 Actions Jumping Travelling Turning Gesture Stillness
Quality Timing Flow Extension Shape Posture Space
Relationships Partner Stimuli Quality
Followed directly with another Action / Reaction One action Followed directly with another
Levels: Low, medium,high Space Size Pathways Direction Levels: Low, medium,high
Learning Outcomes Lesson 1 Explore action words – CREEP , DART and EXPLODE Perform a small routine showing some quality in movement Understand Question and Answer structure Learning Outcomes Lesson 1
Phantom of the Opera Here pupils to view video, brainstorm and make comment on why we want to escape and actions we may use related to escape
Independent learning Problem solving Communication Practice, repeat and refine actions linked to the words creep, dart and explode Problem solving Following the phantom of the opera clip think of actions related to the theme explode Experiment confidently with own and others ideas Communication Listen to all instructions Describe movements related to the words creep, dart and explode Explain what is meant by question and answer
Learning Outcomes Lesson 2 Recap and refine phase A Explore action words – SPIN, SLIDE, and WHIRL (Phase B) Practice, repeat and refine the performance to take into account 8 beats Learning Outcomes Lesson 2
PROBLEM SOLVING Numeracy COMMUNICATION Explore the different dance actions and link them to the words spin, slide and whirl Select the most appropriate action to demonstrate the words Numeracy Adapt your dance to fit to each set of 8 beats COMMUNICATION Answer questions about dance actions when targeted Speak clearly and confidently during class discussions about dance actions Discuss your progress with a partner and set targets for improvement
Learning Outcomes Lesson 3 Experiment with ‘Gesture’ Adopt different roles (Performer, teacher, evaluator) Use the digital blue or video recorder to evaluate performance Evaluate the quality of the performance Learning Outcomes Lesson 3
Working with others Independent learning COMMUNICATION Use the cameras to record and analyse performance Working with others Teach another pair in the class Phrase B Show sensitivity to others in the group when performing Independent learning Select different roles throughout the lesson Adapt the dance to increase quality of performance COMMUNICATION Discuss the most appropriate way to teach phrase B to another pair Decide on when to use the role of performer, teacher and analyser Analyse performance using the correct terminology Explain and understand how quality of performance enhances your dance
Learning Outcomes Lesson 4 Understand and apply ‘space’ to the routine Analyse and Evaluate the quality of performance (feedback) Learning Outcomes Lesson 4
Working with others Communication Independent learning Show sensitivity to the needs of others in the group Demonstrate the correct technique when lifting / spinning your partner Give constructive feedback highlighting good points followed by suggestions for improvement Communication Understand and describe the elements of space within your dance Describe how space can enhance the quality of your dance Independent learning Work independently and cooperatively Explore ideas and experiment with different levels and directions within the dance
Learning Outcomes Lesson 5 Explore phrase C - ‘conflict’ Use action and reaction within the dance Improve performance through repetition and observation Learning Outcomes Lesson 5
Conflict Pupils also view a dance combat video
Working with others COMMUNICATION Problem solving Work closely with your partner to improve the quality of your dance Exchange ideas with dance groups Explore action reaction and select the best phrase for your dance COMMUNICATION Discuss the effectiveness of action reaction within your dance Analyse your performance using the correct terminology (See dance wall for help) Problem solving Repeat and refine performances Understand the term action reaction and use this to improve the quality of dance
Learning Outcomes Lesson 6 Perform whole dance (Phrases A, B, C) Incorporate ICT - Use cameras to video performances and obtain visual feedback Evaluate performance Learning Outcomes Lesson 6
Numeracy Literacy Communication Perform your dance in time with the beats Literacy Complete the checklist using correct spelling and terminology Communication Discuss the outcomes of your dance with a partner Identify individual areas of strength and area for development Film your final performance Watch the performance using a lap top or the interactive board Be prepared to make further analysis during your ICT lessons!!!