Promoting healthy ecclesias The ecclesia – part 2
Descriptions of the ecclesia As the bride of Christ Eph 5:23-27 Rev 19:7-9 21:2,9-27. In present state espoused 2 Cor 11:2 Based on the creation of Adam and Eve. Gen 2:20-25. Formed out of Adam as a help v18. After sin entered she was subject to her husband Gen 3:16 Christ is the head of the ecclesia as the husband is the head of the wife Eph 5:23 1Cor 11:3
The ecclesia as a lampstand as individuals and as the ecclesia we have to shine forth the gospel and the character of God and the Lord Jesus Christ Matt 5:14-16 Phil 2:15 the ecclesias symbolized as lampstands in Rev 1: 12-13, 20 Jesus knows all that happens in the ecclesias and is “in the midst” of them Rev 1: 13, 2:1
The ecclesia as the house of God the chief cornerstone of the ecclesia is Christ and the foundation the truth taught in the prophets and by the apostles of the Lord Eph 2:19-22 the ecclesia is the pillar and ground of the truth (support and foundation) 1 Tim 3:15 the ecclesia of “living God” because members should reveal the character of God 1 Tim 3:15 the ecclesia reveals to the world the manifold wisdom of God (manifold in Grk means much varied, many colours) Eph 3:9-10