Maidda is a bakery situated in Ducezio st Maidda is a bakery situated in Ducezio st. Mainly sells bread with natural flours. The owner is Tina Rizzo
Maidda Strength Weakness Opportunity Threats
Strengths Bread is something people eat all year. Nice and welcoming store that is also quite central which means a lot of possible customers passing by all the time. Good variety in products. Unique ingredients therefor also unique products (Sicilian Ancient Grains.) Ecological, suppliers are environmentally friendly. Bread is a very normal product that is very often consumed. A lot of people buy bread. Can offer completely fresh products since they bake themselves, rather than stale bread that comes in once a day. Healthy compared to other kinds of foods. It has a good name, advertisements could be linked to the tool Maidda that the store is named after. The company was started by the owner(s) alone, no one to answer to since they aren't in debt to anyone.
Weaknesses Cashier doesn't speak English. This could be a problem if tourists come. People with a gluten intolerance will not be able to buy their bread since they can not eat luten. Only having been open for a year, there might not be a lot of people that know about the store. If you don't know that the store exists how will you buy bread from the store?
Opportunities Opening more stores Expand into different kinds of bakery, such as cakes and more to offer a wider range of products to the consumer.
Threats Completely dependent on one shop. If this shop fails it's over. Slightly more expensive products may lead to customers buying bread elsewhere.