same evening first remember birth friends receives few important
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Bert has two granddaughters, Mandy and Ruth. His wife died a year ago. Ruth’s birthday is next weekend. Mandy has a piano recital next weekend.
when Bert asks himself the same question how often his son and daughter promised to visit him when his wife died when Ken will return from work the last time Bert’s son and daughter visited him when Sue called Bert
too busy at work, sick children, bad weather, no time he can get all the help he needs, they won’t have to worry about him, he might make some friends
Would he fall today? What if no one came? They brought him candy, and hope. He missed his granddaughters. Painfully, he walked to a chair
Bert Ken Mandy and Ruth Mandy Bert Bert Sue and John Sue
He sang a short song to himself, then laughed. glass of whiskey He began to cry.
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