Groundwater: Progress, challenges and opportunities with WFD/GWD in England Fred Parsonage 11th April 2016
What is great about the WFD/GWD Great framework for groundwater planning Allows comparisons between administrations and regions Facilitates proportionate decision making through comprehensive cost-benefit appraisal Drives the collection of monitoring data and encourages research
River Basin Planning Cycle
Nitrates – the challenge in England 30% of Groundwater abstracted for drinking water has to be blended or treated because of nitrates. 2015 – 100 of GW bodies at poor status because of N. 58% of land area designated a NVZ Time lag issues. Targeted measures may be more successful.
Pesticide risks in Groundwater SGZs
WFD/GWD – Are there opportunities for improvement? PART 1 Greater consistency between WFD and GWD e.g. inputs/direct discharges of pollutants. Mismatch between WFD Article 11.3(j) and GWD Article 6 is confusing for operators. Art.11.3(j) list of activities and new technologies. a
WFD/GWD – Are there opportunities for improvement? PART 2 The 2027 deadline is challenging from a groundwater perspective due to time delays in the unsaturated zone? Encourage the wider use of ecosystem services / natural capital approaches
WFD – Some of the other issues we have been thinking about A common list of hazardous substances for groundwater? Consider introducing Heavily Modified Groundwater Bodies? How to encourage long-term land use change agreements?
Thank you What are your thoughts?