Improving the management of Diabetes in Pregnancy in Remote Australia: The NT & FNQ Diabetes in Pregnancy Partnership
Aims and Objectives Aim: To improve systems of care and services for women with diabetes in pregnancy (DIP) in remote Australia. Objectives: expand the Northern Territory (NT) DIP Clinical Register establish a DIP Clinical Register in Far North Queensland (FNQ) enhance models of care for managing DIP improve maternal health post-partum for NT and FNQ Indigenous women with DIP with a systems-based intervention.
Achievements Commenced complex health systems intervention to improve maternal health post-partum; intervention components are: ↑ workforce capacity (skills, knowledge, health literacy) access to healthcare through culturally appropriate pathways Information management & communication of information (including clinical register reports) Policy & guidelines DIP Clinical register (outcome measures, feedback)
Milestones DIP Clinical Register: Expanded in NT (>2000 women) Established in FNQ (800 women) Enhanced models of care for managing DIP: Regional workshops Annual symposium Guidelines Complex post-partum systems intervention: System changes, health prof education Pilot post-partum individual intervention (Kirkham R et al, ANZJOG 2018): difficult to reach women (phone/ SMS), nil ↑ health check completion rate
Engagement with policy makers Engaged in DIP Partnership since 2010 - prior to funding Strong relationships continue Actively contribute to planning, design, conduct and interpretation Actively contribute in-kind to current and future planned related work Formed NT Diabetes Clinical Network in 2018, Chaired by lead investigator, supported by policy makers work of this project is 1 of 3 priorities agreed by Network for 2018-2020
Challenges High staff turnover in remote primary and hospital-based health care remoteness impacts communication & access to health care language barriers impact communication & health literacy use of multiple electronic health systems