AFES Meeting September 2013 Station Hotel, Guild Street Wednesday 4th September 2013, 6.30 PM Use of simple core data to model permeability Craig Lindsay Core Specialist Services Ltd. Abstract: Many models have been proposed and developed over the last 50 years or more linking permeability to mercury porosimetry (injection) data. In most cases these models are empirical and worse apply only in specific lithology’s, formations or reservoirs. A new method has been developed which combines core electrical measurements and mercury injection data – both of which are virtually standard components of most special core analysis programs. A detailed analysis of the method has shown it to be theoretically robust and indeed show a fundamental link between the Archie equation and permeability. A case study is presented in which the method produced excellent results. The method was presented at the Society of Core Analysts annual symposium held in Aberdeen in August 2012. The paper won “Best Paper 2012” award, and further work is undergoing to extend the method to prediction of grain size and to implement the method across a wider range of studies. This talk is presented by Craig Lindsay, a co-author of the study, and current President of the Society of Core Analysts a Chapter at Large of the SPWLA. Biography: Craig Lindsay Craig has over 30 years’ experience in the core analysis industry with 20 years at Core Lab before moving into consultancy at Helix RDS in 2002. Craig now owns and runs Core Specialist Services Limited, an independent consultancy founded in 2010, specialising in project management covering all aspects of core analysis. Aberdeen Formation Evaluation Society is a registered Scottish Charity. Charity number SC039526.