Returning to the outside frame. The End Returning to the outside frame.
End of Victor’s Narrative What are Victor’s last words to Walton? How does this support the central message or theme? Discuss as a class or in small groups
Walton’s Letters There is a shift in tense of the story. Why would Shelley choose to make this decision? What impact does it have on the reader? First, in partners. Then have 2 groups share out.
Ambiguity How does the novel “end”? What, if any, conflicts are resolved? How is this ending appropriate to the author’s purpose?
RJ Discussion Discuss the elaborate framing device provided by the letters at the beginning and the end of the novel. What purposes does this strategy serve? Why is this wrap-around frame more effective or useful than the usual introduction-only frame? What goes wrong once Victor dares to apply his understanding of "animation" to material substance -- i.e. to a human body? How, that is, do his methods and material underscore and embody the grotesqueness of his quest? When he speaks of the creature he has created, what kind of language does he employ?
RJ Discussion Does the geographical movement of the novel have metaphorically thematic or symbolic application? What is the meaning of ice, winter, wind, Northern locations, darkness, etc.? As the creation’s narrative develops, we hear about his impressions of the value of language, nature and the habits of other human beings. Describe some of those views and comment on what you find significant about them.
Now… You will be assigned one of the two sides of the below question. Who is the true victim of the novel – Victor or the monster? You have 10 minutes. Prepare your argument.