Making Contact
Objectives To Understand the Correlation Between Activities and Success. Explore The Advantages of Different Prospecting Methods. Learn The Benefits of Becoming a Listing Agent. Recognize the importance of variety and balance in your methods of real estate prospecting.
Activity Power Activity = Sales Contact Sphere of Influence Regularly FSBO Contacts Expired Listing Contacts Giving DOORS Presentations Activity Calls On New Listings/Sales Open House Pre-contacts Holding Open Houses Open House follow up Farming activities (mailing, follow up calls, face to face) Attend Sales Meetings From ONE Basic Activity 5000 Contacts Per Year 500 Leads Per Year 100 Appointments 20 Sales Per Year $50,000 Income Per Year
Why Listings? Exposure Control/Time Awards Income 60/40 Rule Benefits of Becoming A Listing Agent Exposure Control/Time Awards Income 60/40 Rule
Questions Why do so many new Associates become “buyer specialists” instead of listing agents? Who can make more commissions sitting on the beach, a listing agent or selling agent?
A client base is made of customers past, present and future. Building A Client Base A client base is made of customers past, present and future.
Building a client base involves these components: Building name recognition and reputation as a Weichert® “Neighborhood Specialist. Working a sound business plan that includes daily prospecting, weekend Open Houses, and reinvesting some of your commissions. Thrilling every customer with whom you come in contact. Having a system for routinely staying in contact with your customers and clients.
Building Name Recognition Ways to market yourself Business Cards (photo) Name Badge Car Signs Personal Brochures Internet Presence Newspaper and other print media Direct Mail Public Relations
Building Name Recognition Community Networking Become involved in organizations such as… Rotary Club, Kiwanis, Exchange Club, etc. PTA
Building Name Recognition Community Networking Be a sponsor of community events such as…. Little League Baseball Community Festivals
Prospecting Active vs. Passive Passive Active Something or someone else generates the lead. Active You directly generate the lead.
Prospecting Active vs. Passive
Active VS Passive Prospecting Bottom Line On Active VS Passive Prospecting Passive methods can be effective and an important part of an overall plan. But relying too much on these methods is hazardous to the health of your career!
Prospecting Most of your efforts should be focused on sellers. It’s the best way to prospect for buyers! Page #27
Prospecting Methods Face to Face Telephone Snail Mail e-Mail Page #28
Page #28
Prospecting Others? Methods Uses all of the senses When canvassing – Time inefficient Allows for two-way communication Bad time for customer Can write a contract Page #28 Makes a more lasting impression Others?
Weather not an issue – Can do it Prospecting Methods Time efficient – Many contacts in short amount of time Voice has to carry the entire message Allows for two-way communication “telemarketer” stigma Weather not an issue – Can do it Most any time Page #28 Others?
Prospecting Others? Methods Time efficient – Many contacts in short amount of time cost Potentially long shelf life File 13 Can communicate much information Page #28 Others?
Prospecting Others? Methods Time efficient – Many contacts in short amount of time Spam Convenient for (and desired by) customer Easy to disregard Allows for two-way communication Address lists difficult to build Page #28 Others?
Task Assignments Meet with Mentor. Contact 10 people you know Plan First Open House (assist) Complete “Results & Activities” sheet