What is one thing you look for to determine if a website is reliable?
Currency When was the page written or updated? Is the information current enough for your topic? Why might the date matter for your topic?
Reliability and Accuracy Are there references given for the information on the site? Is the content primarily opinion? Is the content biased or unbalanced? Why might bias matter for your topic? Can you verify the facts presented on the page?
Authority Who created the page, or what organization is responsible for the page? Is there evidence that the author or organization is an expert in this topic?
Google Results
Purpose and Point of View Why was the page put on the web? Are there ads on the site? How do they relate to the topic covered? Is the content primarily opinion? Based on the writing style and vocabulary, who is the intended audience?
Activity http://1950s.weebly.com/womens-roles.html http://history.house.gov/Exhibitions-and-Publications/WIC/Historical-Essays/Changing-Guard/Identity/ http://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2007/jan/wk2/art03.htm
Databases How is searching in a database different than searching in Google? Why is it helpful to use a database? Where can I find HSHS databases? How can I access them from home?