Configuring Key Performance Indicators(KPI) Client Webinar Series Time to Reach New Heights Configuring Key Performance Indicators(KPI) Sept 9, 2015
Understanding the Possibilities for customizing your KPI Agenda Understanding the Possibilities for customizing your KPI Key Performance Indicators What are they From where is the data pulled Configuration of KPI improved in Spitfire 4.5 Line Items Hiding Line Items Changing Line Item Labels Resequencing Line Items Columns Adding New Columns Naming New Columns Moving Line Items to the New Column KPI Formulas
KPI – What are They What are they Users can select which Theme they prefer on the My Settings screen
From Where is the Contracts & Budget Data Pulled KBA-01152: What is the Source for the Values in the KPI? From Where is the Contracts & Budget Data Pulled Contracts & Budgets Original Contract = Current Contract – Committed PCO Approved CO = sum(xsfDocItem.RevenueAmount) where xsfDocHeader.status = approved or committed; xsfDocHeader.project = project; and DocType = PCO Current Contract = pjpdtrol.eac_amount where project = project and acct = Contract Value account category Unapproved CO = sum(xsfDocItem.RevenueAmount) where xsfDocHeader.project = project; and DocType = PCO and EXPENSES have already been posted but REVENUE has not. Original Commitment = sum(xsfDocItemTask.ExpenseAmount) where xsfDocHeader.status = committed for all of the Project‘s Commitments Approved CCO = sum(xsfDocItemTask.ExpenseAmount) where xsfDocHeader.status = approved for all of the Project‘s Commitment Change Orders Current Commitment = sum of Original Commitment + Approved CCO Pending Commitment = sum (xsfDocItemTask.ExpenseAmount) where xsfDocHeader.status = pending for all the Project‘s Commitment Change Orders and Commitments Contracts & Budgets Approved Pay Request = sum(xsfDocItemTask.RevenueAmount) where xsfDocHeader.status = approved for all of the Project‘s subcontract pay requests Original Budget = sum(pjptdsum.Total_Budget_Amount) for Expense Account Categories Estimate at Completion (EAC) = sum(pjptdrol.eac_amount) where acct = Expense Account Category Types ** Actual + Committed = sum(pjdtdsum.actual_amount + pjdtdsum.commit) for Expense account categories Forecast at Completion (FAC) = sum(pjptsum.fac_amounts) for Expense account categories Variance = FAC – EAC Earned Value = %spent * CurrentContract : details: IF CurrentEacBudget <= 0 THEN 0 IF ActualExpense > CurrentEACBudget THEN CurrentContract OTHERWISE (CurrentContract * (ActualExpense / CurrentEacBudget)) Under Billed = Billed to date – Earned Income Backlog = Current Contract – CurrentBudget – Earned Income
From Where is the AR Summary Data Pulled Aged AR For selected Project and as of Today‘s date: From Accounting Peer, WHERE ARInvoice.projectid = @pProject AND ardoc.status is Posted, Released, and and ardoc.balance <> 0 Under 30 and grouped by date range 30-60 Days 60-90 Days Over 90 Total = sum of Aged AR Unbilled From Accounting Peer, WHERE @pProject =ProjectID and ARInvoiceDoc = status Open, Unposted = sum of Unbilled
From Where is the Project Cash Flow Data Pulled For selected Project and as of Today‘s date: Billed to Date = sum pjtran.amount when PJTRAN.acct = Billed-to-Date AcctCat from Project Controller Setup Less Open AR = Aged AR total from Column 2 Less Retention = sum pjtran.amount when PJTRAN.acct = AR Retention AcctCat from Project Controller Setup Cash In = Billed to Date + Less Open AR + Less Retention AP Cost to Date =sum OrigDocAmt WHERE and apdoc.rlsed = 1 and apdoc.doctype in (‘VO‘,‘AC‘,‘AD‘) [multiply AD amount by -1] Less Open AP =sum DocBal WHERE apdoc.OpenDoc = ‘1‘ and apdoc.rlsed = 1 and and acct <> APRetention Acct and apdoc.doctype in (‘VO‘,‘AC‘,‘AD‘) [multiply AD amount by -1] =sum DocBal WHERE apdoc.OpenDoc = ‘1‘ and apdoc.rlsed = 1 and acct = APRetention Acct and apdoc.doctype in (‘VO‘,‘AC‘,‘AD‘) [multiply AD amount by -1] AP Cash Out = AP Cost to Date + Less Open AP + Less Retention Project Cash Flow For selected Project and as of Today‘s date: Other Cash Out = Actual + Commit to Date from Column 1 – AP Cash Out Net Cash Flow = Cash In – (AP Cash Out + Other Cash Out) Cash Conversion = Open AR + Retention + Under Billed (if any) Cash Funding = Open AP + AP Retention + Over Billed (if any) Net Cash Demand = Cash Conversion – Cash Funding
Key Performance Indicator Part As Shipped: As Configured:
KPI Line Items – Hiding/Changing Label gfgds
KPI Line Items – Setting a Format KBA-01585: Configuring the Project Key Performance Indicator Part KPI Line Items – Setting a Format hide = hide the value and use the full width for the label (used, for example, for the column headers). C0, C1, C2, C3, C4 = Currency with no decimal places, one decimal place, etc. to a max of 4 decimal places. F0, F1, F2, F3 = Numeric with no decimal places, one decimal place, two decimal places, three decimal places, etc. P0, P1, P2, P3 = Percentage with no decimal places, one decimal place, two decimal places, three decimal places, etc.
Line Items - Sequencing 2-digit numbers The Seq # is not a specific position in the grid, but a relative position based on the Seq # of the other line items. Examples: If your line items are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 – then 5 with be the 5th line item in the Column. But if your line items are numbered 5,10,15, 20, 25, then 5 will be the 1st line item in the Column Order by 5’s or 10’s so that you have room to add a line item with a sequence number between any two line items.
Columns – Displaying / Hiding All of the 5 available Columns have a Line Item with the letters “Col” to designate them as a Column To hide a specific Column remove checkmark in the Visible column To display a specific Column add a checkmark in the Visible column
Columns – Naming the Column
Columns – Positioning the Columns As Shipped the KPI is using Columns 1, 3 and 5 This allows you to position Xtra Col A or Xtra Col B is Columns 2, 4, 6, or 7. Edit Col=x to indicate which position your newly displayed will appear.
Moving Line Items to Another Column Copy the Line Item in UI Configuration. Change the Col= from 1 to 2 In my example of moving the Budget and Expenses from Column 1 to Column 2, I didn’t change any SEQ # (I left the line items in the same order and just changed Col=1 to Col=2)
Changing a Line Item Formula Changing a Formula can have unintended consequences Be sure to test carefully Change a Formula in Rule Maintenance | ProjectKPIFormula Rule Group Your edited version will have an X in the SF column and include a trash can icon ComputeList The ComputeList is the order that calculations are performed – Be sure your new formula with the ComputeList – or edit the ComputeList to match your needs
Resources Knowledge Base Articles (KBA) at KBA-01152: What is the Source for the Values in the KPI? KBA-01228: Overview of the ProjectKPIFormulas Rule; KPI Formulas
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