Health in Gateshead Your Local Engagement Board Meeting (LEB) Together for Health in Gateshead Your Local Engagement Board Meeting (LEB) A meeting for members of the public to find out about healthcare developments in Gateshead and to share your views with Newcastle Gateshead Clinical Commissioning Group, including an update from the Executive Director of Nursing, Patient safety and Quality Come along to this meeting to meet Michael Laing, Associate Director Community Services and hear more about Gateshead Care Partnership and the transformation of community services. There will be a discussion on the best way to involve patients in a reference group. Date: Thursday 30th March 2017 13:50-15:30 Venue: Bewick Suite, Gateshead Civic Centre Registration is required for this popular event, please contact Jayne Lofthouse on 0191 217 2807 or email to confirm your place.