Presented by: Rahul Sharma MS-MIS ‘07


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Presentation transcript:

Presented by: Rahul Sharma MS-MIS ‘07 Discussion Presented by: Rahul Sharma MS-MIS ‘07 Knowledge Management MIS-580

Teaching smart People “…..most people don’t know how to learn” pg. 82 “They need to reflect critically on their own behavior, identify the ways they often inadvertently contribute to the organization's problems, and then change how they act.” “Companies need to make managers' and employees' reasoning patterns a focus of continuous improvement efforts”. Source : monitor .com Managers and employees r both important and they r to be motivated to work for continuous improvements 2/24/2019

Teaching Smart People Your comments “ From the Theory X perspective, institutions fail to innovate because most people lack the desire to innovate; forget Ducker's theory of innovation. The answer to that problem is simple: find more capable people. But that's never-ending” “Why do intelligent people sometimes behave in ways so stupid that they destroy their livelihoods or even their lives?” by Robert J. Stenberg Your comments 2 human motivation developed by Mcgregor In theory x, managers are very authoritative and r hard on the people who don’t want to work which is very common in theory x but its not in theor y managers r self motivated ppl and they believe that good job doing is a kind of motivation in itself, these managers r more on making u motivated 2/24/2019

Resolution: single Loop and double loop An espoused theory of action based on single-loop learning is found to be the most general model of action. A double-loop model is proposed as providing feedback and more effective decision making. Your comments The words we use to convey what we, do or what we would like others to think we do, can then be called espoused theory. When someone is asked how he would behave under certain circumstances, the answer he usually gives is his espoused theory of action for that situation. This is the theory of action to which he gives allegiance, and which, upon request, he communicates to others. However, the theory that actually governs his actions is this theory-in-use. (Argyris and Schön 1974: 6-7) When the error detected and corrected permits the organization to carry on its present policies or achieve its presents objectives, then that error-and-correction process is single-loop learning. Single-loop learning is like a thermostat that learns when it is too hot or too cold and turns the heat on or off. The thermostat can perform this task because it can receive information (the temperature of the room) and take corrective action. Double-loop learning occurs when error is detected and corrected in ways that involve the modification of an organization’s underlying norms, policies and objectives. 2/24/2019

Left Brain and right brain Left brain focuses on the analytical, logical and sequential, Right brain focuses on creativity “Experiments show that most children rank highly creative (right brain) before entering school. Skills such as mathematics, logic and language than it does on drawing or using our imagination, only ten percent of these same children will rank highly creative by age 7. By the time we are adults, high creativity remains in only 2 percent of the population” - by Which preference you give from both left and right brain In india, people lacks the creativity because they r always focussed to work on their right part, hence those people lack the desire to innovate 2/24/2019

Learning history : issues How can we judge the organizational effort in transferring knowledge How can rest of organization benefit from it What opportunities to date for success and failure Your comments A "learning history" is a document, or a series of documents, possibly in audiovisual form ,that is disseminated in a deliberately structured manner. The document, and the dissemination, are both designed to help organizations become better aware of their own learning and change efforts. 2/24/2019

Key Takeaway’s Managers need to be taught so that knowledge is embedded in their mind Double loop learning is better for organization as it supports more thinking and innovation Left and Right brain both should be equally focused Learning history is very important for capturing the Knowledge 2/24/2019

References Monitor. com: HBR ( Harvard Business Review) View zone: looking at life from different angles 2/24/2019

Questions? 2/24/2019