Muon Trigger Software Status S. Spagnolo Dip. Fisica Univ. del Salento and INFN Lecce on behalf of the Muon Trigger Slice working group
Muon Trigger Software Status Outline Muon Slice performance (CSC note results) Rates and Trigger Menus Level 1 Muon Trigger simulation Studies in recent releases / development plans Level 2 MuFast / MuComb / MuIsol / MuTileId Performance after 12.0.6 + new functionalities Event Filter Current performance TrigMoore evolution TrigMuonEF General items: data conversion / robustness / cablings Online integration for Milestone Data Acquisition March 27, 2008 – Muon Week – CERN Muon Trigger Software Status
Muon Slice performance From CSC Note – Muon Rates - Convolution method 12.0.6 trigger sw LVL1 emulation muFast+hypo muComb+hypo TrigMooreMS TrigMooreSA TrigMooreCB+hypo Pythia for b,c DPMJET for p/K (conservative choice) large theoretical uncertainties at pT below 6 GeV must focus on p/K rejection at low pT mu6 needs prescaling at 1033 mu20/40 need isolation or prescaling at 1034 March 27, 2008 – Muon Week – CERN Muon Trigger Software Status
Muon Slice performance – Muon Trigger Menus A lot of effort has been put in cross checking the trigger rate estimated with the convolution method and the with the counting method (on min. bias Pythia 6.4 samples) a basic agreement is observed taking into account the different theory input for p/K rates Based on estimated trigger rates the muon trigger menus have been defined for 1031 and 1032 March 27, 2008 – Muon Week – CERN Muon Trigger Software Status
Level 1 Muon Trigger Simulation LVL1 simulation is stable since a long time can be configured with a given choice of the thresholds (only 6 available in the hw) however it depends on Rpc and Tgc Cabling Svc (area of intensive development) Recent areas of investigation End Cap high rate regions located and masked from 13.x.0 (1% eff loss for 20% fake rate rejection) High rates (from eff x PhysRate) in the barrel at low pT (related to muons in EC triggered by the RPC system) March 27, 2008 – Muon Week – CERN Muon Trigger Software Status
Level 1 Muon Trigger Simulation Test dataset MuonRecValidator_valid1_misal1_csc11.005145.PythiaZmumu.recon.AOD.v13004002.aan.root Reference dataset MuonRecValidator_trig1_misal1_valid1.005145.PythiaZmumu.econ.AOD.v13003003.aan.root LVL1 efficiency in in good agreement with (CSC studies) A problem in the EC forward region possibly related to a mismatch of the TGC cabling service used for the RDO production (digitization) and the LVL1 emulation March 27, 2008 – Muon Week – CERN Muon Trigger Software Status
Muon Trigger Software Status Level 2 – muFast / muComb standard Muon identification at level 2 from 12.0.6 to 13.0.x general optimization of muComb matching cuts use of a back-extrapolator tool to refine the matching criteria between the muFast track with an ID track Forced minimum bias sample b m(4GeV)+X bias sample Unforced minimum bias sample p/k decays (rate Hz) b m+X c m+X Standard mComb 3469 4853 5385 Loose x match 2895 (-16%) 4775 (-1.5%) +Tight x x pT match 2799 (-20%) 4708 (-3.2%) +ID fit c2 cut 2552 (-26%) 4559 (-6.0%) 5049 (-6.0%) MU06 rate at 1033 incremental cut application leads to 26 % gain in fake reduction with 6% loss for prompt m MU04 eff MU06 eff to go in the definition of muon trigger sequences for 14.1.0 p/k samples March 27, 2008 – Muon Week – CERN Muon Trigger Software Status
Muon Trigger Software Status Level 2 – muFast / muComb Revised LVL2 low pT rates in 13.0.x Counting method with min. bias - Pythia 6.4 Total Rate mu4 at 1031 740 ± 28 (muFast) 557 ± 11(muComb) 433 ± 14(muComb+backExtrapolator) Hz p/k decays 224 ± 15 210 ± 6 145 ± 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Rate mu6 at 1033 20.9 ± 1.6 13.8 ± 0.7 12.4 ± 0.8 kHz p/k decays 5.1 ± 0.8 3.5 ± 0.4 2.9 ± 0.4 CSC studies Problems under investigation: in 12.0.6 high muFast efficiency for mu20 at very low pT apparently related to super-point in the BIx/EIx chambers not associated to the segments in middle/external layers mostly recovered by muComb 1.05 muFast efficiency relative to LVL1 for single muons March 27, 2008 – Muon Week – CERN Muon Trigger Software Status
Muon Trigger Software Status MuIsol - discrimination@LVL2 between muons from b/jets decays and isolated muons from W,Z decays in Trigger Sequences since 13.0.x Multivariate analysis of isolation variables in Lar/Tile (done) and ID (ongoing) seeded by LVL2 muFast or muComb for ≥ mu20 optimization: CALO (barrel OK, EC on-going), ID (on-going) performances: on-going on 13.2.0/14.X.0 for barrel and EC - 12.0.6 barrel in CSC note high-lum. studies (i.e. pileup): waiting for datasets HCAL ECAL μROI Inner Cone Outer Ring ID Lar/Tile barrel 13.2.0 stable w.r.t. 12.0.6 ∑pT in ring ΔR∈[0.05,0.2] 91% rejection at 95% efficiency w.r.t LVL1+LVL2 muFast BARREL 87% rejection at 95% efficiency w.r.t LVL1+LVL2 muFast EC March 27, 2008 – Muon Week – CERN Muon Trigger Software Status
Muon Trigger Software Status TileMuid March 27, 2008 – Muon Week – CERN Muon Trigger Software Status
Event Filter: follow up with the new Moore style for 14.0.0 A new package: Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigMuonEF hosts 4 HLTalgorithms: TrigMuonEFSegmentFinder wrapper for MooSegmentCombinationFinder (offline tool invoqued with vector of pointers to prd collections) DONE TrigMuonEFTrackFinder wrapper for the offline tool MuonCombiTrackMaker (invoqued with vector of pointers to segment combination) DONE TrigMuonEFExtrapolator wrapper for MuidBackTracker DONE TrigMuonEFCombiner wrapper TO BE DONE for the main tool of MuidCB (COMING SOON ?) Running in 14.x.0 nightly builds - producing standalone EF muons propagated to the IP Most work is just in configuration – from a very first look at the performance in comparison with old TrigMoore and offline Moore some mis-configuration of the tools has been identified The new chain (up to the available implementation) will be in 14.1.0 needs to define temporary extra muon trigger sequences to be run concurrently with the standard EF (TrigMoore) needs to revise the trigger AOD for the EF (add a segmentCollection object) March 27, 2008 – Muon Week – CERN Muon Trigger Software Status
p/K rejection at the Event Filter From the CSC note present cuts Inner Detector d0 ≤ 0.15 ID n. of pixel hits ≥ 3 ID n. of B layer hits ≥ 1 ID n. of SCT hits ≥ 6 pT (ID) / pT (SA) ≤ 1.25 Combined match c2 ≤ 26 single m single p min.bias p/K min.bias p/K to be implemented in a new hypo algorithm for 14.x.x with current set of cuts (not extensively optimized) 75% eff. @ 4GeV for (1-effBG)=35% 90% eff. @ 20GeV for (1-effBG)=25% March 27, 2008 – Muon Week – CERN Muon Trigger Software Status
Event Filter: TrigMoore in recent releases a drop of the CB trigger eff. at low pT has been observed in 13.0.30 – recovered in 14.x.0 nightlies – appears related to EFID rather than Muon Algos Stable eff. at high pT Stable resolutions EFId w.r.t. muComb single muons 14.0.0 nightly TrigMooreCB w.r.t. muComb single muons 12.0.6 14.0.0 nightly 12.0.6 Z March 27, 2008 – Muon Week – CERN Muon Trigger Software Status