Room 113 News Friday September 9, 2016 Important dates: Next week’s Shine Student is Afi! Monday 9/26: Scholastic Book Orders Due Tuesday 9/16: Miss Held will visit Friday 9/23: School Fundraiser begins! SCAAP Day! Tuesday 9/27: COSI on Wheels Important Information: It was nice to see many of you last night. If you were not able to make it I have sent home a packet of information with your child today. Scholastic Reminder: If you would like to place a book order please do so by Monday evening 9/26. Miss Held our new school counselor will be in for her first lesson with the class next Tuesday. SCAAP certificates are awarded to students for having good behavior and homework completed on time. In first grade it is three strikes and you’re out. So three missing homework’s or three behavior notes or a combination of both that totals three and your child will not be able to participate in SCAAP Day. SCAAP certificates are awarded each month with the dress down date listed. Dress code reminders: Shoelaces must be all black or white to match shoe color Socks must be worn at ALL times—even on dress down days Boots are not permitted—even on dress down days Daily 5: We are building our stamina in Read to Self! We are also learning new reading strategies together! Saxon Phonics: We continue to review letter sounds and vowel rules! Our first fieldtrip is scheduled! On October 6th we are heading to Lynd’s to pick apples. We will be doing lessons on apples and plants to get us ready for the trip. Information will be sent home soon. Mark your calendars if you would like to join us! COSI on Wheels is coming and we need your help! If you can volunteer to help on September 27th please contact Michelle Dennett at Thank you!