Restricted access Back to the Future 2020
INTEGRATED OVER-ARCHING STRATEGY - FIVE ELEMENTS - DIFFERENTIATORS – How will we win? ARENAS – Where will we compete? VEHICLES – How will we get there? ECONOMIC LOGIC – How will we obtain our returns? STAGING – What is the speed and sequence of our moves?
DIFFERENTIATORS How will we win?
Differentiators how will we win? Provide Value for Money / Public Value Customise Delivery to meet local needs Don’t just rely on current Fire & Rescue ‘brand’ / reputation Don’t strive for ‘gold standard’, expensive, cover-all service
ARENAS Where will we look to compete?
Arenas Where will we look to compete? Provide enhanced services based on own IRMP Expand National Resilience framework to incorporate these services Move on from Public Service Model? Could get local businesses to pay as well and/or sell expertise to other FRS’s (UK and abroad…. ….But not happy about becoming a commissioning agent
VEHICLES How will we get there?
Vehicles How will we get there? Secure more money from Government and Europe Work with partners to increase capacity Don’t retreat to undertaking only statutory responsibilities Concentrate on redirecting internal capacity????
ECONOMIC LOGIC How do we obtain our returns?
Economic/Public Value Logic How do we obtain our returns? Work Collaboratively with public & third sector (e.g. merge functions) – private sector too, where appropriate Charge businesses & re-invest Get more money from government Use existing funding streams???? But Don’t charge the public!
STAGING What will be the speed and sequence of our moves?
Staging What will be the speed and sequence of our moves? Twin top priorities: Expand ‘enhanced’ services (adapt) Change our organisations (mitigate) Take lead and do ‘over and above’ government guidance Look to the longer-term and not just ‘quick wins’
Restricted access Case studies 2010-20
Case studies 2010-2020 2011 – Public Sector budgets cut by 15% 2012 – Wide-area flooding across South England during Olympics 2015 – Forest Fires in Scotland 2018 – North Sea storm surge – Tens of thousands evacuated 2020 - Eco-terrorist attack at Milford Haven – natural gas supplies cut off