www.gofaliechyddarbodus.cymru www.prudenthealthcare.wales Securing health and well-being for future generations Friday 24 June 2016 #prudenthealthcare www.gofaliechyddarbodus.cymru www.prudenthealthcare.wales
The guiding principles of prudent healthcare www.gofaliechyddarbodus.cymru www.prudenthealthcare.wales
Evolution of Prudent Healthcare Autumn 2013 – Bevan Commission paper January 2014 – Minister’s keynote address to Welsh NHS Confederation Conference Spring 2014 - Applied workshops ENT, Orthopaedics, Pain and Prescribing January 2015 – finalised principles July 2015 - international prudent healthcare summit. National action plan idea floated. December 2015 – Team Wales Event. February 2016 - “Securing Health and Well-being for Future Generation” document www.gofaliechyddarbodus.cymru www.prudenthealthcare.wales
www.gofaliechyddarbodus.cymru www.prudenthealthcare.wales “ …We have a vision of what to do; founded on the most important part of health care – a trusted relationship between the public and professionals, with both playing an equal part in achieving better health outcomes, better quality of care and better value. No single person has all the answers; prudent healthcare offers us a way of building the future together. …” “We have to continue the journey through prudent healthcare. It’s got real purchase across clinicians within the service, but I don’t think it’s really embedded right across the service as consistently as it could or should be. We need to turn our ambitions into more consistent realities.” Vaughan Gething, Cabinet Secretary Health, Well-being and Sport The Wales Report – 25 May 2016 Dr Andrew Goodall Director General Health and Social Services/ NHS Wales Chief Executive www.gofaliechyddarbodus.cymru www.prudenthealthcare.wales
Focusing Collective National Action All this work has culminated in three priority areas for action, because they touch the lives of many people and because coordinated action taken at both a national level, and by all organisations, will have a significant impact on the way health services in particular, are delivered and provided in Wales. www.gofaliechyddarbodus.cymru www.prudenthealthcare.wales
www.gofaliechyddarbodus.cymru www.prudenthealthcare.wales Empowering and enabling the public, professionals and public service leaders will be key to making prudent healthcare part of everyday services. www.gofaliechyddarbodus.cymru www.prudenthealthcare.wales
Working together to improve healthcare Through a partnership with the public sector, move the health service from that predominantly treats ill-health to a service that prevents as well as treats. 1000 Lives Improvement programme will create a national public service task force to change the way the falls programme is delivered across Wales. Creation of new regional partnership boards, as part of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014, from April 2016. Intermediate Care Fund will develop services to support older people to maintain their independence at home. Quality improvement programme to support innovation and integration in primary care. www.gofaliechyddarbodus.cymru www.prudenthealthcare.wales s
www.gofaliechyddarbodus.cymru www.prudenthealthcare.wales Today’s Workshop Aim: To agree three or four actions that we are all committed to taking forward. Structure of the day: Morning – what does the evidence / data tell us and what is already happening? Afternoon – what do we want the future to look like and what actions do we need to take to get there? Considerations: How do we build on the collective knowledge and good practice across all sectors? How do we involve citizens and patients in this work? What support is needed nationally and locally? www.gofaliechyddarbodus.cymru www.prudenthealthcare.wales