Thursday Fill 1364 (24 bunch) dumped at 07h


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Presentation transcript:

Thursday Fill 1364 (24 bunch) dumped at 07h Access needed for quench heater power supply sector 45 Adjust longitudinal blow-up to better track fast bunch reaction... Reduced time constant and increased gain Beam injected 11.30 Trip of RSF2.A56B1 Dump test on BPMSB.B4L6.B2 PM analysis shows that in fact the dump was triggered some 1000 turns or so after the beam position stabilized. Next time (!) we will trim such the final target position is well beyond the interlock limit to be able to judge the reaction time of the interlock 13.30 Start physics fill 1365 (Scheme 150ns_56b_47_16_47_8bpi) Tune feedback switched OFF at 800 GeV for beam 2 Beams dumped at end of ramp. TCDQ B1 interlock ALICE dipole tripped due to electrical perturbation at point 2 (20 minutes later) 2/25/2019 LHC status

Injection (DC BCT looks OK) wirescan before ramp B2H 2.0 B2V 2.25 B1H 1.67 B1V 1.68 2/25/2019 LHC status

Injection and ramp (long blowup now OK) 2/25/2019 LHC status

Ramp (no B2 tune signal) Most likely the tune spectra went flat because with the high intensity in the machine the diodes in the BBQ detectors go into Zener regime. To cure it, the parallel resistors in the "BBQ-Front-end Gain Settings" should be on. Fixed by the experts. 2/25/2019 LHC status

Ramp (TCDQ position monitoring) TCDQ B1 position and limits during the ramp We see a glitch in the position readings at the moment of the beam dump, which correspond exactly to the end of the ramp function. 2/25/2019 LHC status

TCDQ position monitoring TCDQ internal protection against displacement overshoot at a start of a displacement (force positioning reading at first point of the ramp for limited duration) has been triggered at the beginning of the ramp. Good positioning condition have been reached (damping of the overshoot oscillation) and protection stopped before the end limit of the protection duration. Remaining part of the interlock duration has been played after the transition from MOTION_EXECUTION to IDLE at the end of the ramp (to be investigated) resulting in a dump request through the positioning and energy interlocking logics. 2/25/2019 LHC status

Thursday 16.00 Start physics fill 1366 (Scheme 150ns_56b_47_16_47_8bpi) No beam from LINAC for a while 17.30 Fill for physics Many latches of IQC 19.00 Collisions and stable beams Initial luminosities ~ 2 1031 cm-2 s-1 For these intensities ε ~ 2.2 µm.rad Congratulations .... this is wonderful !! ALICE reports they see "parasitic collisions" which force them to stop taking data Polarity issue ? Integrated luminosity in ~ 13 hours ~ 650 nb-1 End of fill emittance studies wirescan @ start ramp B2 H 2.14 B2 V 2.33 B1 H 1.88 B1 V 1.86 2/25/2019 LHC status

Start of fill 1366 2/25/2019 LHC status

losses in the beta-cleaning insertion 2/25/2019 LHC status

Lifetimes 2/25/2019 LHC status

Currents and losses fill 1366 (56_47_16_47) IPs: 1 5 2 8 - 1 5 8 - 1 5 2 - 1 5 - 2 8 - 8 2/25/2019 LHC status

Friday Some time needed to tune up transfer lines (injection oscillations) ALICE Next steps Scheme 150ns_56b_47_16_47_8bpi Scheme 150ns_104b_93_8_93_8bpi 2/25/2019 LHC status

To fit in later Transverse damper firmware update (to prevent glitches positions very close to 0) – W. Höfle Test of luminosity optimization software - S. White Gas Ionization Profile Monitor tests - M. Sapinski Abort gap cleaning – M. Meddahi Test of new beam presence flag system – M. Gasior DC BCT – P. Odier Q kicker – R. Barlow CO security intervention to be scheduled - A.Bland 2/25/2019 LHC status