Stage 31 verba.


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Presentation transcript:

Stage 31 verba

Tempus, temporis (n) time

Contretemps, extemporaneous, extempore, extemporize, temporal, temporize, extemporaneousness, extemporaneity, temporalize, temporizer, temporization, extemporization/al, temporality, tempo, temporary, contemporary,

Consisto, consistere, constiti, constitus Stand, decide

Frumentum, I (n) grain

identidem repeatedly

That…not In order that…not Not to… ne That…not In order that…not Not to…

Rapio, rapere, rapui, raptus Snatch, grab

Scindo, scindere, scisi, scissus To cut

Undique Everywhere

haudquaquam Not at all

ante before

Antebellum, antediluvian, ante, anterior, antepenult, anteroom, antedate, antecedant, antechamber

Oro, orare oravi oratus Beg, pray

oro, orare, oravi, oratus - to pray inexorable - not influenced, persuaded, or moved by prayers or entreaties; unyielding: As he awaited the results of the biopsy, he was sure that the inexorable hand of death was resting on his shoulder. A oration, orator, oratory, lso: inexorableness, inexorability.

Veho, vehere, vexi, vectus carry

veho, vehere, vexi, vectus - to carry invective, invectiveness, inveigh, vehicle, vehicular, vector, invection, convection, convector, convex,

Vultus, vultus (m) Expression, face

Altus, alta altum High deep

Vincio, vincire vinxi vinctus Bind, tie up

Superbus, superba, superbum arrogant

Progredior,progredi, progressus sum advance

Progress, progressor, progression, progressive, progressivism, progressivist, progressiveness

Spero, sperare, speravi, speratum hope

Idem, eadem, idem same

Neglego, neglegere, neglexi, neglectus

Dux, ducis (m) leader

Induct, induce, induction, reduce, reduction, reductive, seduce, seduction, subduce, subduction, subductive, seductive, conduce, conduct, conductor, conductive, deduce, deduction, deductive, inductive, duke, duchess, abduct, abduction, abductive, produce, productive, production, aquaduct

Altus, -a, -um High, deep

altimeter - instrument for measuring height: A glance at the altimeter let the pilot know that he was flying dangerously low. Also: altigraph (an altimeter that records altitude automatically), altimetry (the science of measuring altitudes). exalt - 1) to raise in rank, honor, quality, etc.: Generosity, joyfulness, patience, truthfulness, humility, loyalty--these things exalt a person far beyond what all the money in the world can do. 2) to praise, honor. Also: exalter, exaltation, exaltedness.