Stage 31 verba
Tempus, temporis (n) time
Contretemps, extemporaneous, extempore, extemporize, temporal, temporize, extemporaneousness, extemporaneity, temporalize, temporizer, temporization, extemporization/al, temporality, tempo, temporary, contemporary,
Consisto, consistere, constiti, constitus Stand, decide
Frumentum, I (n) grain
identidem repeatedly
That…not In order that…not Not to… ne That…not In order that…not Not to…
Rapio, rapere, rapui, raptus Snatch, grab
Scindo, scindere, scisi, scissus To cut
Undique Everywhere
haudquaquam Not at all
ante before
Antebellum, antediluvian, ante, anterior, antepenult, anteroom, antedate, antecedant, antechamber
Oro, orare oravi oratus Beg, pray
oro, orare, oravi, oratus - to pray inexorable - not influenced, persuaded, or moved by prayers or entreaties; unyielding: As he awaited the results of the biopsy, he was sure that the inexorable hand of death was resting on his shoulder. A oration, orator, oratory, lso: inexorableness, inexorability.
Veho, vehere, vexi, vectus carry
veho, vehere, vexi, vectus - to carry invective, invectiveness, inveigh, vehicle, vehicular, vector, invection, convection, convector, convex,
Vultus, vultus (m) Expression, face
Altus, alta altum High deep
Vincio, vincire vinxi vinctus Bind, tie up
Superbus, superba, superbum arrogant
Progredior,progredi, progressus sum advance
Progress, progressor, progression, progressive, progressivism, progressivist, progressiveness
Spero, sperare, speravi, speratum hope
Idem, eadem, idem same
Neglego, neglegere, neglexi, neglectus
Dux, ducis (m) leader
Induct, induce, induction, reduce, reduction, reductive, seduce, seduction, subduce, subduction, subductive, seductive, conduce, conduct, conductor, conductive, deduce, deduction, deductive, inductive, duke, duchess, abduct, abduction, abductive, produce, productive, production, aquaduct
Altus, -a, -um High, deep
altimeter - instrument for measuring height: A glance at the altimeter let the pilot know that he was flying dangerously low. Also: altigraph (an altimeter that records altitude automatically), altimetry (the science of measuring altitudes). exalt - 1) to raise in rank, honor, quality, etc.: Generosity, joyfulness, patience, truthfulness, humility, loyalty--these things exalt a person far beyond what all the money in the world can do. 2) to praise, honor. Also: exalter, exaltation, exaltedness.