Sparta and Athens
Sparta Social Groups 3 social classes: Equals: Decedents from invaders Half-citizens: free, however no political power Helots: Slaves Needed strong army to control helots, so everything focused on the military
Spartan Army Boys learned to fight from a young age Girls stayed home and learned how to manage a household
Government 5 ephors- make sure king stays in line Council of Elders 2 kings (one for the army and one for home) 5 ephors- make sure king stays in line Council of Elders
Athens Society 3 Classes: Citizens: Anyone who was an Athenian Metics: Born outside Athens Slaves
Athenian Gov. Democracy kingaristocratsarchons (rulers who served 1-year terms)Draco (wrote down laws in Athens=very harsh)Solon (outlawed slavery for debt)Cleisthenes (changed to democracy)
Democracy Athens split into ten tribes Each tribe chose 50 men to be in the Council of 500 Council proposed laws, but the Assembly (everyone) had to approve
Persian War Darius: Persian Emperor who conquered Asia minor, Thrace, and Macedonia Darius son, Xerxes: Invaded Greece He was stopped at Thermopylae by 300 Spartans Themistocles (Athenian) tricked Persians into attacking in the Salamis Strait giving Greek city-states time to come together to win. Results: Delian League: City-States created a greater unity of Greece.
Peloponnesian War: Age of Pericles Pericles: leader in Athens Built power and wealth Extended empire Brought stability Athens led as a dictatorship to other city-states Discontent boiled, Tensions grew, Quarrels began
Peloponnesian War War broke out between Athens and Sparta Sparta had stronger army Athens had better navy Sparta couldn’t starve out Athens Athens attacked Sparta friends Persia stepped in to help Sparta and blocked food from Athens Result – Greece was politically unstable!