Barack Obama By Augustine and Leah
What We know? Augustine: I know that Barack Obama used to work in Baskin Robbins when he was a teenager. Augustine: He and his wife bought a house in Chicago in 2005. Back then it cost $1.65 million. The house has four fireplaces. Leah: He wants to quit smoking, as there is a non smoking policy in the White House. Leah: Every night when he is at home he reads the Harry Potter books to his oldest daughter Malia.
What We Want To Know? Leah: What is his favourite colour? Leah: Who is his favourite singer? Leah: What is his favourite food? Leah: What is his favourite colour? Augustine: What is his favourite type of music? Augustine: What is his dog’s name? Augustine: What is his favourite type of food E.G Italian, Mexican, Chinese or Japanese?
Profile Wife and childrens names: Michelle, Malia Sasha. Name: Barack Hussein Obama Parents names: Barack and Ann Obama Wife and childrens names: Michelle, Malia Sasha.
Barack Obama’s Child Years. Barack Obama’s parents met the year before he was born and then separated when he was only two. Obama's parents met at a Russian course in 1960. Both were attending the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where Obama's father had enrolled as the university's first African foreign student in September 1959. Obama's mother dropped out of the University of Hawaii after the fall 1960 semester. Obama's parents got married on February 2, 1961.
Barack Obama’s Dog His dogs name is Bo. Bo was born on October 9, 2008. Bo is a neutered male Portuguese Water Dog, or Portie.
Obama’s Hobbies He enjoys cooking, poker, basketball and spending time with his family. He also likes golf and dancing. He likes cooking Chilli
What We Learned He Loves to cook Chilli. His Parents Split Up when he was two. He Plays Golf and enjoys Dancing. He Loves to cook Chilli.
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