Daily Announcements Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Come out and join us!!!! Be a part of the best clubs in town!!! The interest meeting for TSA and SkillsUSA has been rescheduled to Thursday, August 16, 2012 at 3:20 pm in room 411 for those students interested in joining either TSA or SkillsUSA.
Need something to hold you until dinner? Visit the JROTC concession stand Mon – Thu, 3:15 – 3:45 Gym concession stand area Snack price list: JROTC “secret recipe” hot dogs: $1 Chips: $1 Honey buns: 75 cents Candy bars: $1 Sour punch straws $1 Water: $1 Gatorade: $1 Faygo soda or Capri Sun juice: 50 cents Oatmeal pies: 50 cents Just remember: put all trash in a trash can
Interested in traveling to go kayaking, zip lining, white water rafting, & horseback riding in COSTA RICA June 2013? Get started with enrollment for only $95! See Mrs. Humphrey in room 220 for details
2012-2013 NHS officers: President: James Kweon Vice President: Resham Gehani Secretary: Ebonie Medious Treasurer: Emilee Burroughs Reporter: Ammad Ashraf Congratulations!
International Club Sign-up information Pick up a form outside room # 226 Complete the form and turn in the form along with the dues by 16th August to Ms. Begum Dues for 2012-2013 are $ 25.00 including the T-shirt (8/30)
International Club Meeting The first meeting for International Club members will be on Thursday, the 30th of August from 3:20 – 3:45 PM. Be on time. OFFICERS WILL BE ELECTED ONLY PAID MEMBERS ARE ALLOWED TO ATTEND. (8/30)
Sisters of Virtue Meeting Wed, August 15, 3:20pm-5:00pm Current Members Only Meeting Attire Required -white tops, black skirts or slacks, black shoes, & member pin Applications are available in room 335 for those interested in becoming a member!!
You are considered trespassing if you are caught at DMS after school. DHS students are NOT allowed to go over to DMS in the afternoon to hang out, get on the bus, wait on their siblings from practices, tutoring, etc. You are considered trespassing if you are caught at DMS after school.
Media Center Students must have the pass to come to the media center during lunch. Students who only want to purchase something from the school store need a pass also.
Student Parking Students must have a parking pass and be parked in their assigned parking spaces or they will be towed.
Media Center Students are not allowed to enter the media center or print after 8:15 am without a pass from their teacher.
Dutchtown High School’s Mission: To educate, encourage and empower.