Turn in your interest survey to the back if you have not already Happy Tuesday! Turn in your interest survey to the back if you have not already Be ready for a warm up, half sheet is fine
Warm-up 3 Observations 2 Questions 1 Inference _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 minutes!
Or how I learned to stop worrying and accept assimilation Western Expansion Or how I learned to stop worrying and accept assimilation
Philosophy- Manifest Destiny ".... the right of our manifest destiny to over spread and to possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty and federative development of self government entrusted to us. It is right such as that of the tree to the space of air and the earth suitable for the full expansion of its principle and destiny of growth." - John L. O’Sullivan
Pros of moving West Cons of moving West What does manifest destiny mean? Pros of moving West Cons of moving West
Resources Mining silver and gold Boomtowns “Ghost towns” Individual Miners Few struck it rich Usually gave up Corporate Miners Quartz Deep excavations using machinery
What were impacts of the mining boom. Think positives and negatives What were impacts of the mining boom? Think positives and negatives. Talk with your group of 4, each group write one impact on Smartboard
If you build it, they will come... Transcontinental Railroad Irish immigrants from the East East Asian immigrants from the West Better transportation spurred more Western settlement
What does this represent? How was it created?
Why did we hire immigrants (specifically Asian and Irish) to help with the railroad? Take 2 minutes to talk with your partner.
“Great American Desert” - Stephen Long What does the green represent? Do you think this land would be suitable to live on? Why or why not?
Federal Encouragement Homestead Act 160 Acres 5 years at least $10 What do you notice about the Nebraska add
Life on the Plains Farming (tomorrow) Open Range Cattle Drives! Why longhorns?
Technological Innovations What is it? What was it used for? What is it? What was it used for?
Exit Ticket: How could both of the technologies shown affect westward expansion? Must write at least 4 sentences. Use pg. 131 to help you.