School PR 100A Setting the Foundation: Research, Evaluation & Strategic Planning
Hello! Trinette Marquis Hobbs, APR 25+ years communication - healthcare, tech, ed Former district comms director Consultant - SchoolPRPro Professor - CSU Sacramento You can find me at @trinettemarquis & him @crosseyedcharlie
In this session 4 Step Process Research & Evaluation Communication Planning Measuring & Reporting on Your Work These slides as well as additional handouts are available at under “Presentations”
Strategic approach to School PR 1. Four Step Process Strategic approach to School PR
The Steps Collecting Interpreting & Planning Doing Reviewing Research Analysis Communication Evaluation
2. Research Targeting
Define the issue Identify the gap Collect information & feedback Research
MYTHS Conducted by an expensive, outside consultant Uniquely developed for your topic Involves a lot of extra work
Research Requirements You Must Be creative Be skeptical Be aware of your bias Be brave Consider Initial assumptions Research format Wording Timing Language Will it change anything?
Research is formalized curiosity Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose. ― Zora Neale Hurston
Research Types Who conducted the research? Primary - YOU Survey of your families or staff # of people who called about a specific concern Feedback at an LCAP forum Secondary - SOMEONE ELSE State or federal data on education issues City or neighborhood demographic information Regional academic data
Research Types Words or numbers? Qualitative - Nature of Something Focus groups Open-ended questions on surveys Observing behavior Quantitative - Scope of Something Multiple choice, rating or true/false questions on surveys Counting the number of people who attend an event Enrollment numbers at a school or in a program
Research Types Will it have the same outcome? Formal(ish) - Replicable Automated survey Online survey (access and sample size) Documenting positive, neutral and negative press coverage based on pre-established protocol Informal - Unique Interviews with key influencers Focus groups to test messages or strategies Group meetings allowing public feedback
Research Types How will it help? Formative - Deciding what to do Baseline survey of audience awareness, attitude or behavior Feedback on initial messaging and strategies Documenting historical enrollment trends Evaluative - Reviewing how it went Post-campaign survey of audience awareness, attitude or behavior Measuring growth of enrollment after a campaign Measuring growth in event attendance over the year before
Questions What do you know about your potential audiences? What kinds of communication platforms do they use? Who do they trust on the topic you are trying to address with your plan? Where are they today in terms of awareness, attitude or behavior in the areas you are addressing with your plan? What trend information do you have about your organization that provides insight into your plan topic?
Research Handouts Summary of Research Types Research Ideas Sheet
3. Communication Planning Know where you’re going
MYTHS Must be completed before you start Must have new research for each plan Must be 20+ pages Must be followed throughout campaign
Planning Elements Identify key audiences impacted & opinion leaders Identify their communication preferences Identify key message concepts Set measurable objectives Define general strategies
Being busy does not always mean real work… Being busy does not always mean real work….there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as perspiration. ― Thomas A. Edison Why plan? Focus and limit, consistency
Measurable Objectives Time-bound Audience-specific Measurable action, perception, awareness How it will be measured
Plan Outline Intro Situation analysis, high level goals Audience #1 Messages Objective/Evaluation Method Tactics/Tools Responsible, budget, deadline Outputs Repeat for each audience
Sample Comprehensive Plan
Shortcut - Mini Plan
Planning Handouts Measurable Objectives Worksheet Plan Template
4. Evaluation Measuring & reporting
Two Kinds of Data Outputs Measures steps taken Documents amount of work Can point toward change Better than nothing Outcomes Measures change Relates back to objective(s) Ideal, not always possible
Easy Data Ideas Document surveys Sign-in sheets Reception lab Borrow Partner Worksheet totals
Survey list
Tracking Ideas School, type of school Issue –effort and breadth Activity by month By tool/campaign Monthly and annual compilation
Reporting Ideas Closed board session Monthly output reports Web & social Department wall
Reporting Handouts Comm Plan Activity Summary Sept. 2011 Report
Thanks!! Any questions? You can find me at @Trinettemarquis &
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