2nd and 4th Block Agenda - Sub Vocab Pic Mini-Quiz, Unit 10 – copies on front black table; scantrons in closet behind my desk. Use the 1-25 ones. They can use their Vocab Unit 10 notes – either handwritten or a printout of the Vocab PPT. SB Texts: Bear Paw and Women’s Right to Vote P. 190-193 & respond to questions 1-4 (in your SB book) (ethos/pathos/logos focus – mark up each text!) Time left: Read Outliers – chapters 6-7 due Wednesday. Take advantage of this time as you will be working on Rhetorical Analysis #2 Tues/Wed nights!
Reminders Outliers Reading Schedule – Chapters 6-7 due Wednesday Rhetorical Analysis #1 – You should have finished revisions over the weekend. Upcoming: We will start Rhetorical Analysis #2 – tomorrow when we begin watching our documentary for the unit. This Friday, 12/7 You will turn in one of your Rhetorical Analysis writings. I will tell you which one that day in class. Both should be ready to submit. Vocab Pic Quiz Unit 10, today Full Quiz, Thursday, 12/4