Finding Redemption in Christ Through Life’s Uncertainties RUTH Finding Redemption in Christ Through Life’s Uncertainties Picture from: Christian Today/Pixabay
The Boaz Trap Ruth 3:1-18
History of Bible
3:1-5 Naomi seeks rest for Ruth; put simply, a husband (v. 1-2). Ruth, a Moabitess, submits to the ways of Naomi & of the Lord.
Threshing Floor From
3:6-15 The uncovering of the feet and Ruth asking Boaz to spread the corner of the garment over her is a marriage proposal.
3:6-15 (continued) The go’el, or kinsman-redeemer, is a close relative who has certain responsibilities in specific situations. Deuteronomy 25:5-10 – Duty of brother-in-law to marry the dead brother’s wife. Leviticus 25:25-28 – Near relative to redeem property that has been sold off. Leviticus 25:47-55 – Redemption rights of a poor person or stranger sold.
3:6-15 (continued) 3:11 – Boaz calls Ruth “a woman of noble character”; Proverbs 31:10 asked who can find “a wife of noble character.”
3:16-18 Boaz does not want Naomi to be empty (v. 17).
Main Idea God will do His part, but we must do our part, then wait on Him. “Divine providence does not eliminate human activity.” -- F. B. Huey Jr.
Application Step out to where God has orchestrated for you to step. Don’t say your idleness is a part of God’s providence. Trust God in whatever answer is received.