Project # 2 IoT Device Vulnerabilities and Security REU student: Amon Harris Graduate mentors: Orlando Arias Faculty mentor(s): Yier Jin, Shaojie Zhang Week 1 (May 14 – May 21, 2018) Accomplishments: I was able to get a pretty decent feel of the Python programming language without having any previous background knowledge at all I was able to write a program that could output the number of occurrences of a certain word within a string that the user input into the program Problem & Solutions An issue I encountered is that the first time I built the program, it outputted the number of times each letter would appear instead of each word and as you can imagine, that was pretty overwhelming to look at The solution to this problem was to implement a built-in mechanism called “split()” into the program. This mechanism ensured that the program was reading the user input word by word instead of reading it as a compilation of letters. Plans for next week: Find a Python library to assist with parsing; begin viewing/analyzing surrounding network activity within the data link layer (Layer 2 in OSI model) NSF REU Research Experience on Internet of Things 2018