MULTIPLE CHOICE Read question before you look at answers Read all choices before choosing answer Eliminate wrong answers Do not keep changing answers…usually first choice is correct
MULTIPLE CHOICE “All of the above”…do not choose if you are certain one answer is false “None of the above”…do not choose if you are certain one answer is true Usually choice with most information is correct
GUIDELINES FOR MULTIPLE CHOICE GUESSING If 2 answers are similar except for 1 or 2 words, choose one of these If 2 answers have similar sounding/looking words choose one of these If the stem calls for sentence completion, eliminate grammatically incorrect answers If 2 quantities are almost the same, choose one
GUIDELINES FOR MULTIPLE CHOICE GUESSING If answers cover a wide numerical range, choose the middle of the range *****NONE OF THESE TECHNIQUES ARE MEANT TO TAKE THE PLACE OF STUDYING!!!!
ESSAY TEST Read directions carefully If you do not understand question…ask Answer all parts to the question Manage your time for all essays that need answered If question asks for facts do not give opinions
ESSAY TEST Find out exactly what question is asking Be neat Make an outline before answering 1 main idea per paragraph Proofread essays if time allows Use a pen…pencils are hard to read Write on one side of the page only
TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS Read question carefully Pay attention to key words Look for qualifiers---all, most , sometimes, never, rarely are key words If the question contains always or never it is usually false
MACHINE GRADED TESTS Make sure answer you mark corresponds to question you are answering Do not make any stray marks Try not to erase or change your answers