Автор: Харитонова Елена Романовна,10 класс МУНИЦИПАЛЬНОЕ БЮДЖЕТНОЕ ОБЩЕОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ «УСАДОВСКАЯ СРЕДНЯЯ ОБЩЕОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНАЯ ШКОЛА» СТУПИНСКОГО МУНИЦИПАЛЬНОГО РАЙОНА МОСКОВСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ Муниципальный конкурс исследовательских работ обучающихся Предметная секция: Лингвистика (английский язык) Тема: «The facts of British people’s life in Peppa Pig cartoon» Автор: Харитонова Елена Романовна,10 класс Руководитель: Бережная Ольга Анатольевна, Учитель английского языка Ступино, п.Усады 2018
Great Britain produced a lot of cartoons that are widespread all over the world. There is a huge verity of British cartoons for children and adults, but there is one cartoon which is known to both children and adults.
While studying the life of Peppa Pig and her friends and British people we came to the following aim: to prove the life of Peppa Pig and her friends is a life of traditional British family.
To achieve this aim we had to do following: 1) to study the facts of Peppa Pig’s life 2) to study the facts of British people’s life 3) to compare the facts of Peppa Pig’s and British people’s lives 4) to do an opinion survey among students 5) to analyze the results
Peppa Pig lives with her mother Pig, father Pig and her younger brother George. According to the office for national statistics, the largest type of British families is married or civil couple families with or without children.
Peppa Pig’s family and her friends live in detached houses, which are double-story. We have found British people prefer to live in houses with gardens (80 %) rather than live in flats.
Peppa Pig with her friends plays different games every day Peppa Pig with her friends plays different games every day. The most favorite game is jumping in muddy puddles. We have found British children do play in puddles wearing necessary special clothes and play all those games as we have seen in Peppa Pig animated cartoon.
The most oft-repeated holiday is a birthday The most oft-repeated holiday is a birthday. There are also Christmas, Easter, Halloween. We have discovered the most important celebrations for British families are Christmas, New Year, Birthday and Easter.
An opinion survey To see the level of knowledge of British people’s life and compare it with Peppa Pig’s one we have made an opinion survey among the fifty students of Usadovskaya school. We have chosen the students of different classes and asked them to answer our questions. Age of students is from 9 years old to 16 years old.
The results show that students have some information about the life of British people. They agreed that Peppa Pig animated cartoon shows some real facts about British lifestyle. The most unreal fact was that children can jump in puddles. We have found that students believed all facts they had known before watching the cartoon. The students thought the facts they had not known existed only in Peppa Pig cartoon.
All things considered, we can say that it is very important to know the foreign language as facts of foreign life and watching cartoons help us to improve both.
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