GEM Data Report M. Shen USDA-ARS NCRPIS GEM - December 11, G ermplasm E nhancement of M aize
Usage of GEM-Ames website World Map of Cumulative Visitors
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Usage of GEM-Ames website Top 10 countries with the most visitors
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Usage of GEM-Ames website Top 10 regions with the most visitors
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize GEM-Ames Data on Website 70 Corn images for GEM-Ames released lines (in PDF format): Observation data of breeding crosses: year 2009 to 2012 Characterization data: year 2006 to 2012 Disease data from year 2007 to 2012 Lab NIR data and DSC data GEM yield trial data: year 1999 to 2013
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize GEM Disease Evaluation Data The method of disease evaluation is upon the collector 1 ~ 5 scale 1 ~ 9 scale 1 ~ 7 scale It was proposed to use one GEM rating scale to facilitate comparisons and has been approved by the TSG in September GEM disease evaluation scale: 1 ~ 9 (1 = resistant and 9 = susceptible) All the disease evaluation data contain both the original scale and GEM scale
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize GEM Disease Evaluation Data
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize GEM-Ames trial summary Experiments: 40 Replicated at 4 to 8 locations Plots: over 10,000 The number of total reps lost due to weather: 9 (4.0%) The number of experiments that have 2 or more reps lost: 3 (1.3%) No experiment was lost because of weather
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize GEM-Ames trial summary
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize GEM-Ames trial summary There are 261 top crosses that out-performed the mean yield of 5 checks (14.2% of 1839 entries of the top crosses) Of these 261 GEM top crosses, 186 were from the first year tests and 75 from the second year tests The range of CVs for yield is from 8.3 to 18.2% ( % last year ) and the mean of the CVs is 12.4% (last year 15.2%)
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize GEM-Ames trial summary The deviation of CV means of yield since year 2005 (CV of each year – CV mean)
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize GEM-Ames trial summary
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize GEM-Ames trial summary Summary by experiment for quick view on page 33 of the yield trial section
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Special Thanks to the Companies That Conducted Yield Trial In-Kind Support (2013) AgReliant Genetics, LLC BASF Plant Science Breeding LLC Becks Superior Hybrids, Inc. Dow AgroSciences Forage Genetics Illinois Foundation Seeds, Inc. Ingredion Monsanto Company PANNAR Seed SEEDirect Syngenta Seeds, Inc. Wyffels Hybrids