Let ev’ry heart rejoice and sing, Let choral anthems rise; Let Every Heart Rejoice And Sing Let ev’ry heart rejoice and sing, Let choral anthems rise; Ye aged men, and children, bring To God your sacrifice. 1-4 Words by Henry S. Washburne / Music by George J. Webb
For He is good, the Lord is good, And kind as all His ways; Let Every Heart Rejoice And Sing For He is good, the Lord is good, And kind as all His ways; With songs and honors sounding loud, The Lord Jehovah praise. While the rock and the rills, While the vales and the hills, A glorious anthem raise; Let each prolong the grateful song, And the God of our fathers praise, And the God of our fathers praise. 2-4
He bids the sun to rise and set; In heav’n His pow’r is known; Let Every Heart Rejoice And Sing He bids the sun to rise and set; In heav’n His pow’r is known; And earth, subdued to Him, shall yet Bow low before His throne. 3-4
For He is good, the Lord is good, And kind as all His ways; Let Every Heart Rejoice And Sing For He is good, the Lord is good, And kind as all His ways; With songs and honors sounding loud, The Lord Jehovah praise. While the rock and the rills, While the vales and the hills, A glorious anthem raise; Let each prolong the grateful song, And the God of our fathers praise, And the God of our fathers praise. 4-4