The Anglo-Saxon Period 449 – 1066 AD
The Dark Ages battle confusion uproar outrage attempts at educational improvements and religion
looks like present-day Language: Anglo-Saxon (Old English) looks like present-day Dutch or German
Anglo-Saxon Religion Paganism – worship of gods & idols Tiu – god of war and sky (Tuesday) Woden – chief of gods (Wednesday) Fria – goddess of home (Friday) Stoicism – fate rules Christianity most of England followed by 650 promoted: peace education literature promoters: St. Patrick Columba St. Augustine
Old English Literature British Isles Origination Celtic Druids memorized poems about heroic leaders Anglo-Saxon Scops and gleemen performed epics accompanied by a harp - Riddles
Examples of Epics: Homer’s The Illiad The Odyssey Virgil’s The Aeneid