Humans to the Red Planet within a Decade Mars Direct: Humans to the Red Planet within a Decade Dr. Robert Zubrin Pioneer Astronautics
We don’t need stuff like this to go to Mars!
We can do Mars mission training on the Moon. But we can do it in the Arctic at 1/1000th the cost.
Back to the Future: Heavy Lift is not Sci Fi
Cumulative Radiation Doses Received in Space The cumulative radiation dose of a human roundtrip mission to Mars using current propulsion technology has already been experienced by numerous astronauts. No radiation-induced health effects have been observed.
Alternative Plan: Mars Semi-Direct The Mars Semi-Direct Plan requires three launches and a mission-critical return rendezvous , but can be done with smaller launch vehicles and less surface power. Shown Here: Mars Semi-Direct using SpaceX Dragons with inflatable extensions.