George Washington 1st POTUS Title = person name, presidential number (1st, 2nd, 3rd…) Images (1 drawing, also cut and tape picture from reading on poster) Define / explain the following items on your poster: Precedent Cabinet “Mr. President” Whiskey Rebellion Presidential authority
George Washington 1st POTUS Title = person name, presidential number (1st, 2nd, 3rd…) Images (1 drawing, also cut and tape picture from reading on poster) Define / explain the following items on your poster: Federalists Party (leaders & ideas) Democratic Republican party (leaders & ideas) 2 terms in office Farewell Address (include 2 warnings)
John Adams 2nd POTUS Title = person name, presidential number (1st, 2nd, 3rd…) Images (1 drawing, also cut and tape picture from reading on poster) Define / explain the following items on your poster: Alien & Sedition Act (Purpose? Who did it affect?) Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions Election of 1800
Thomas Jefferson 3rd POTUS Title = person name, presidential number (1st, 2nd, 3rd…) Images (1 drawing, also cut and tape picture from reading on poster) Define / explain the following items on your poster: Louisiana Purchase Lewis & Clark expedition (goals) Strict construction (Explain it. What party follows it?) Loose construction (Explain it. What party follows it?
James Madison 4th POTUS Title = person name, presidential number (1st, 2nd, 3rd…) Images (1 drawing, also cut and tape picture from reading on poster) Define / explain the following items on your poster: War of 1812 (Who are we fighting? What are the 4 causes?) Battle of Fort McHenry (significance?) Battle of New Orleans (significance?) Treaty of Ghent Long Term Effects of war
James Monroe 5th POTUS Title = person name, presidential number (1st, 2nd, 3rd…) Images (1 drawing, also cut and tape picture from reading on poster) Define / explain the following items on your poster: “Era of Good Feelings” Monroe Doctrine Neutrality