Clubs that Made a Turnaround We’ve all been there. Our Club is skipping along, happily; and one day we notice our meeting attendance is slipping. Not many projects are being completed and few education and leadership goals are achieved. What is the cause of this? Forget about the Distinguished Club achievement. To address this, some Clubs have incorporated dynamic measures such as the use of technology in Web site management, Meetup, Facebook and Instagram, where guests are beating a path to their door. But what happens after guests become members? Are they coached, mentored and motivated to achieve their goals? What is the environment that you create for growth and success?
QUALITY CLUBS FOCUS on … FIRST IMPRESSIONS MEMBERSHIP ORIENTATION FELLOWSHIP, VARIETY, COMMUNICATION PROGRAM PLANNING / MEETING ORGANIZATION MEMBERSHIP STRENGTH ACHIEVEMENT RECOGNITION Quality clubs focus on these six objectives. The objectives are identical for Moments of Truth; they are also identical for Club Visits, by the way. They allow you and your Club’s Executive Council to be in alignment, with a single focus. This afternoon, our panelists Gina, Kris, and Robert will share with you some winning strategies that turned around their clubs. ___________________ Moments of Truth is an important module in Toastmaster’s Successful Club series. It is recommended that clubs conduct a Moments of Truth module each Toastmasters year. (MOMENTS OF TRUTH)
TOASTMASTERS MISSION We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth. Which leads me to why we do what we do. The Club visits, the quality clubs, the distinguished areas, divisions and district are a result of our commitment to the success of the Toastmaster member. This is what becoming “Distinguished” means. It is a measurement of how we are helping to build confident speakers and successful leaders.
Yvonne Lumsden-Dill, DTM PRESENTERS Gina Glover, ACG Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters Kris Pool, DTM Plymouth Toastmasters Cream City Communicators Robert Wall, DTM Kenosha Toastmasters Yvonne Lumsden-Dill, DTM Wisconsin Toastmasters Club Menomonee Falls Toastmasters