Review what we have read so far. Warm –up – A4 pad – Next slide Romeo and Juliet reading 3 Date: Objectives Review what we have read so far. Answer questions for the purpose of a closer reading for the Junior Cert. Warm –up – A4 pad – Next slide Journals out on table
Describe Romeo in 2-3 sentences Appearance Personality Behaviour
Questions – Point, “reference”, explain. Act One, Scene 3 and 4 Lord and Lady Capulet think differently about when Juliet should marry. How? (c70) What arguments does Lady Capulet give for marriage? (c94) How does Romeo define love in scene four? (c25) A major theme in the play is fate. What does Romeo feel will happen if he goes to the party? (c106)
Cooldown Question Some people like the idea of fate, others do not. How do you feel about the concept that, from your birth to death, everything is already decided for you.