East Midlands Clinical Fellows Professor Ashley Dennison East Midlands Clinical Senate Chair 4 October 2018
Our Fellows StR in Special Care Dentistry at Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust GP partner at Charnwood Community Medical Group Specialty Registrar in Public Health at Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Consultant in Geriatric Medicine and General Internal Medicine at Leicester Royal Infirmary NIHR Clinical Lecturer in HPB Surgery and a Surgical Registrar at the University of Leicester Senior Physiotherapist at Danetre Hospital, Daventry 1
Role and Purpose To lead on specific areas of work at a strategic level in a supported environment To support the clinical senate work programme To write and present reports as required in relation to the Clinical Senate work programme (i.e. literature searches and contribution to clinical review panels) To attend meetings with senior people within the East Midlands and to conduct their work with dedication and professionalism 2
Opportunities To receive mentorship and support from senior staff and external colleagues To be closely involved with the healthcare leadership agenda To work in a varied role across a number of systems and to develop effective network links 3
Proactive Work Physical Activity as a Treatment (Moving Medicine) To understand and if possible, quantify, the degree to which physical activity – or moving medicine – is used as a treatment for conditions across the East Midlands, with an ultimate goal of understanding the cost effectiveness of current commissioning and delivery models 4
Proactive Work Multiple Site, Single Service Models of Care Planning of national events to consider the experiences of other clinical senates in this area and to consider these models and where they have worked successfully to improve outcomes 5
Proactive Work Winter Pressures – lessons from 2017 and 2018 Qualitative clinical review: Clinical experience across a sample of acute trusts, CCGs, EMAS, across the East Midlands Clinical evidence literature review: What the wider literature tells us about the management of clinical risk during winter pressures 6