Therefore we lift our hearts C Green Mission Praise – number 686 © Colin Green CCL Licence 37003
Therefore we lift our hearts in praise, 1. Therefore we lift our hearts in praise, sing to the living God who saves, for grace poured out for you and me. 2. There for everyone to see, there on the hill at Calvary, Jesus died for you and me. MP 686 1/3
There for sad and broken men He rose up from the grave again, 3. There for sad and broken men He rose up from the grave again, and reigns on high for you and me. 4. There for such great pain and cost the Spirit came at Pentecost, and comes in power for you and me. MP 686 2/3
Therefore we lift our hearts in praise, 5. Therefore we lift our hearts in praise, sing to the living God who saves, for grace poured out for you and me. MP 686 3/3