10 20 30 40 50 1750 – 1914 (Unit Four) Africa Middle East China, India and SE Asia Europe The Americas 10 20 30 40 50
The building of this canal triggered the European scramble for Africa What was the Suez? Category 1 - 10
The leading force for modernization in Egypt in the 19th century Who was Muhammad Ali?
The fierce fighting tribe from South Africa that featured strong central leadership Who were the Zulu? Category 1 - 20
The decade in the 19th century when the trans-Atlantic slave trade was ended When were the 1860’s (1867)?
The countries not controlled by Europe after the “scramble” for Africa What were Liberia and Ethiopia?
The nickname given to the Ottoman Empire during the 19th century What was the “Sick man of Europe”?
What were the Tanzimat Reforms? The reform campaign initiated by the Ottomans after their loss of territory (Greece) What were the Tanzimat Reforms?
The language used in Ottoman military schools and universities What was French?
Who were the Young Turks? The group that wanted to nationalize Turkish area(s), that is “Turkify” non-Turkish citizens Who were the Young Turks?
Primary enemy of the Ottomans during the Crimean War Who were the Russians?
The soldiers hired to guard British trading posts Who were the Sepoys?
Dynasty in power in China during the Opium wars with Great Britain What was the Qing Dynasty?
Hakka leader of the Taiping movement in southern China Who was Hong Xiuquan?
The adaptation of western technology and ideas in Japan is known as What was the Meiji Restoration?
What was the Indian National Congress? The group founded in 1885 which actively sought greater participation for Indians in the colonial government What was the Indian National Congress?
What was the Enlightenment? The philosophical movement which drove many of the revolutionary ideals in the 18th and 19th centuries What was the Enlightenment?
The French king that was beheaded during the French Revolution Who was Louis XVI?
European nation which was the first to become industrialized What was England/Great Britain?
Name of the economic theory supported by Adam Smith in his book The Wealth of Nations What is laissez – faire?
These groups worked to gain political and economic reforms for the working classes during the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century What were labor unions?
Name of the war the immediately preceded the American Revolution What was the French and Indian war or the Seven Years war?
Leader of the revolutionary movement in South America that wanted to create a huge coalition to standup against the Europeans Who was Simon Bolivar?
The Treaty of Paris (1898) gave the United States possession of this island in the Caribbean What was Puerto Rico?
What is free trade imperialism? The notion of creating an economic dependency, rather than using the military to conquer a given area What is free trade imperialism?
The Haitian Revolution was the first successful revolution in the Americas to be instigated by _______ What are slaves?