A Peak at the Week Mrs. Permenter September 5th-8th Reminder: Open House is Tuesday, Sept. 19th. Assessments Inferences test- Tuesday Spelling test- Friday Open book Social Studies test- Friday Homework No GIST this week - Tuesday: Write spelling words three times each in cursive - Wednesday: 20 minutes of iReady reading, write spelling words in alphabetical order - Thursday: 20 minutes of iReady reading, Ready Reading pg. 473 #1&2 What We’re Learning Language Arts RI.5.3 Relationships in scientific and informational texts L.5.5a Figurative language W.5.2d Use domain specific vocabulary to inform or explain a topic Social Studies United States geography
Sight words, suffix -ent, and academic vocabulary Word Study Mrs. Permenter September 5th-8th Sight words, suffix -ent, and academic vocabulary 1. speed 2. count 3. consonant 4. someone 5. sail 6. rolled 7. bear 8. wonder 9. smiled 10. angle 11. absent 12. decadent 13. excellent 14. frequent 15. impatient 16. cell 17. cytoplasm 18. organelle 19. diffusion 20. osmosis 21. respiration Test Friday