Employee Testing and Selection Chapter 6 Employee Testing and Selection Explain what is meant by reliability and validity. Explain how you would go about validating a test. Cite and illustrate our testing guidelines. Give examples of some of the ethical and legal considerations in testing. List eight tests you could use for employee selection, and how you would use them. Explain the key points to remember in conducting background investigations.
Why Careful Selection is Important? Performance Cost Legal Obligations (Negligent hiring)
Basic Testing Concepts Reliability The consistency of scores obtained by the same person when retested with the identical tests or with alternate forms of the same test. Validity The accuracy with which a test, interview, and so on measures what it purports to measure or fulfills the function it was designed to fill.
Basic Testing Concepts Validity Criterion Validity Content Validity A type of validity based on showing that scores on the test (predictors) are related to job performance (criterion). A test that is content valid is one that contains a fair sample of the tasks and skills actually needed for the job in question.
Basic Testing Concepts How to Validate a Test? 1 Analyze the job 2 Choose the tests 3 Administer the test (Concurrent validity – Predictive Validity) 4 Relate your test scores and criteria (Expectancy chart) 5 Cross – validate and revalidate
Basic Testing Concepts Test Takers’ Individual Rights and Test Security Legal Privacy Issues Using Tests at Work Computerized and Online Testing
Types of Tests Tests of Cognitive Abilities Intelligence Tests Specific Cognitive Abilities Tests of Motor and Physical Abilities
Measuring Personality and Interests What personality tests measures? Types of Tests Measuring Personality and Interests What personality tests measures? The big five Caveats Effectiveness Interest Inventories Achievement Tests
Work Samples and Simulations Actual job tasks are used in testing applicants’ performance. Work Sampling for Employees Selection (work sampling technique) A testing method based on measuring an applicant’s performance on actual basic job tasks.
Work Samples and Simulations Management Assessment Centers A simulation in which management candidates are asked to perform realistic tasks in hypothetical situations and are scored on their performance. Video Based Situational Testing Situational Test Video Based Simulation A test that require examinees to respond to situations representative of the job. A situational test in which examinees respond to video simulations of realistic job situations.
Work Samples and Simulations The Miniature Job Training and Evaluation Approach Training candidates to perform several of the job’s tasks, and then evaluating the candidates’ performance prior to hire. Realistic Job Previews
Work Samples and Simulations Summary Assessment Method Validity Adverse Impact Costs (Develop/ Administer) Applicant Reactions Cognitive ability tests High High (against minorities) Low/low Somewhat favorable Job knowledge test More favorable Personality tests Low to moderate Low Less favorable Biographical data inventories Moderate Low to high for different types High/low Integrity tests Moderate to high Structured interviews High/high Physical fitness tests High (against females and older workers) Situational judgment tests Moderate (against minorities) Work samples Assessment centers Low to moderate, depending on exercise Physical ability tests
Background Investigation and Other Selection Methods Investigations and Checks Reference checks - Background employment checks - Criminal records - Driving records - Credit checks Why? To verify factual information provided by applicants. To uncover damaging information.
Background Investigation and Other Selection Methods Types of Backgrounds Checks (sources of information) 1 Former Employers 2 Current Supervisors 3 Commercial Credit Rating Companies 4 Written References 5 Social Networking Sites
Background Investigation and Other Selection Methods Legal Issues Defamation Privacy Other Issues Supervisor Reluctance Employer Guidelines Making background checks more useful
Background Investigation and Other Selection Methods Using Pre-employment Information Services The Polygraph and Honesty Testing Graphology Physical Exams Substance Abuse Screening
Background Investigation and Other Selection Methods Complying with Immigration Law Improving Productivity Through HRIS: Comprehensive Automated Applicant Tracking and Screening Systems