Junct, Join, Jug (To join, meet, or link)
Con join ed Con ju gate Con junc tion Dis joint ed Join Joint Joint com mit tee Jug u lar Junc tion Re join
Conjoined (adj) Joined Together Combined United
Conjugate (v) Joining together Correct verb in grammar
Conjunction (n) A word Joins two phrases or sentences.
Disjointed (adj) Not connected Having no flow
Joint (n) A body part Where two bones join together.
Join (v) Get together To meet
Joint Committee (n) A group Of people From the Senate and House of Representatives Who join together to discuss issues
Jugular (n) A vein That carries blood from the head to the heart. Joins the head and the heart.
Junction (n) A place Where two highways meet.
Rejoin (v) Meet Again