Financial Performance
WCGRB Expenditure outcome as at 31 December 2017 Department and Divisions Q3 Budget 2017/18 (R) Expenditure – 31 December 2017 Variance Board 589 000 581 000 8 000 Executive 2 360 000 2 027 000 333 000 Administration & Finance 2 132 000 1 708 000 424 000 Licensing 3 681 000 3 511 000 170 000 Gambling and Betting Compliance 4 686 000 4 346 000 340 000 Information Technology (IT) 1 450 000 1 060 000 390 000 Total 14 898 000 13 233 000 1 665 000
Reasons for variances Board: Expenditure incurred in line with budget. Executive: Savings were realised on legal fees, travel and subsistence and consultancy fees. Administration and Finance: Savings were realised on travel and subsistence, maintenance of the building, cleaning services and vehicle maintenance cost. Licensing: Savings were realised on employee related cost and travel and subsistence. Gambling and Betting Compliance: Slow spending relates to training. Savings were realised on travel and subsistence and communication. Information Technology: Savings in capital expenditure for equipment (computers and computer accessories). Further savings were realised in respect of travel and subsistence and professional services.
Non-Financial Performance
OVERVIEW – Third Quarter 2017/18 The Board submitted its Third Quarter Performance Report in compliance with submission dates as guided by DPME. Thirteen (13) Performance Targets were planned for Quarter Three Twelve (12) Performance Targets were achieved for Quarter Three One (1) target was partially achieved for Quarter Three
Performance targets – Third Quarter 2017/18 Programme / Sub Programme Targets Achieved Partially Achieved Not achieved % of targets achieved % of targets partially achieved % of targets not achieved Board 1 - 100% Executive 3 Legal Human Resources Administration & Finance 2 Licensing Gambling and Betting Compliance 50% Information Technology (IT) Overall 13 12 92,3% 7,7%
PARTIAL ACHIEVEMENT EXTRACT Performance indicator Regulatory Compliance Third Quarter targets Planned Achieved % non Achievement Reason for non achievement Number of compliance assessments conducted at licenced gambling premises 250 230 8% Premises ceased to operate during the period. A number of FIC inspections were deferred as a result of the amendments to the legislation in October 2017
SUMMARY OF THE PERFORMANCE 2017/18 Programme Performance Measures Target for 2017/18 as per APP 3rd Quarter Planned output as per APP 3rd Quarter Actual output – validated Quarter Achieved Q 3 % Achieved Q 3 Comments Programme 1: Board and Administration Sub Programme: Board Number of meetings to give effect to statutory mandate. 41 10 12 120% Ad-hoc Board meeting on 6 Nov (APP, Risks & Budget 2018/19) Ad-hoc Board meeting with Minister (LPM Roll-out)
SUMMARY OF THE PERFORMANCE 2017/18 Programme Performance Measures Target for 2017/18 as per APP 3rd Quarter Planned output as per APP 3rd Quarter Actual output – validated 3rd Quarter Achieved Q 3 % Achieved Q 3 Comments Programme 1: Board and Administration Sub Programme: Executive Number of awareness Programmes participated in. 4 1 2 200% Invitation received from PGWC to an additional awareness program. The details of the specific two events that were attended: Thusong Programme: Veldrif, West Coast (22-23 November 2017) Opening of Schools Joint Crime Awareness Campaign (24 November 2017) Percentage of Board resolutions given effect by CEO within 1 month. 95% 100% 105% All Board resolutions in Quarter 3 were of a nature that could be successfully completed in the set timeframe of one month. All required actions (as per the Board resolutions) were within the control of the office of the CEO.
SUMMARY OF THE PERFORMANCE 2017/18 Programme Performance Measures Target for 2017/18 as per APP 3rd Quarter Planned output as per APP 3rd Quarter Actual output – validated 3rd Quarter Achieved Q 3 % Achieved Q 3 Comments Programme 1: Board and Administration Sub Programme: Executive Number of operators monitored for compliance with CSI Commitments 4 1 2 200% Timing and availability of Board members resulted in one additional CSI commitment event for the quarter. The details of the specific two events that were attended: •Golden Valley Casino, Worcester (9 November 2017) •Vukani (8 December 2017) The Office of the Board cannot always accurately indicate when CSI projects will be visited for monitoring as we are dependent on the Board members; License holders and the CSI project team. There was availability for another such project to be attended in the third quarter.
SUMMARY OF THE PERFORMANCE 2017/18 Programme Performance Measures Target for 2017/18 as per APP 3rd Quarter Planned output as per APP Quarter Actual output – validated Quarter Achieved Q 3 % Achieved Q 3 Comments Programme 1: Board and Administration Sub Programme: Human Resources Number of reports on the implementation of the HR plan. 4 1 100% None
SUMMARY OF THE PERFORMANCE 2017/18 Programme Performance Measures Target for 2017/18 as per APP 3rd Quarter Planned output as per APP Quarter Actual output – validated Quarter Achieved Q 3 % Achieved Q 3 Comments Programme 1: Board and Administration Sub Programme: Administration and Finance Number of financial reports to stakeholders. 33 8 100% None Percentage of undisputed invoices received paid within 30 days from receipt of a statement.
SUMMARY OF THE PERFORMANCE 2017/18 Programme Performance Measures Target for 2017/18 as per APP 3rd Quarter Planned output as per APP 3rd Quarter Actual output – validated 3rd Quarter Achieved Q 3 % Achieved Q 3 Comments Programme 2 - Licensing Percentage of new applications in respect of employee licences (key and gambling) received processed within 30 days of receipt. 85% 88.9% 105% The bulk of the applications processed in the department are employee licences which by their nature, if all is in order, take less than 30 days to process. Most applications received were compliant and did not require referrals. There are a number of new employee licence applications received that can only be approved once the new operator licence is approved. The bulk of the employee applications processed are related to staff changes at existing licensed operators. Percentage of renewal applications received processed within the 3 month renewal period. 96% 98.2% 102% The target set is based on the possibility of withdrawals, outstanding information and/or resignations. In the third quarter the majority of renewals were processed and hence exceeding the target set.
SUMMARY OF THE PERFORMANCE 2017/18 Programme Performance Measures Target for 2017/18 as per APP 3rd Quarter Planned output as per APP Quarter Actual output – validated Quarter Achieved Q 3 % Achieved Q 3 Comments Programme 3 – Regulatory Compliance Number of compliance assessments conducted at licenced gambling premises 1 250 250 230 Partially achieved 92% Premises ceased to operate during the period. A number of FIC inspections were deferred as a result of the amendments to the legislation in October 2017. Percentage of investigations conducted timeously for all allegations of illegal gambling received by the Board. 95% 100% 105% Efficient utilisation of resources to attend to allegations
SUMMARY OF THE PERFORMANCE 2017/18 Programme Performance Measures Target for 2017/18 as per APP 3rd Quarter Planned output as per APP 3rd Quarter Actual output – validated 3rd Quarter Achieved Q 3 % Achieved Q 3 Comments Programme 4 – Information Technology Number of instances to maintain current information technology systems, hardware, software and network infrastructure. 4 000 1 000 4 173 417% Improvement made on the Microsoft deployment method to incorporate patches and hotfixes for Microsoft software in use by the Board’s infrastructure to contain: •Critical Software updates •Critical Security updates •Non-Critical Software updates •Non-Critical Security updates The 2017/2018 targets were set before the improvement was made. Number of scheduled preventative and knowledge empowerment activities conducted. 60 15 100% None
Mr. David Lakay – Chairperson