Administrative Director Student Services/SELPA MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Lodi Unified School District Board of Education Meeting Tuesday, December 13, 2011 David M. Wax, Ed.D. Administrative Director Student Services/SELPA Lodi Unified School District/ Lodi Area Special Education Region (LASER)
Introduction ■ The Legislature passed AB114 in June 2011, which eliminated most of AB3632 and shifted the mandate of providing mental health services to students with disabilities from County Mental Health Departments to school districts. Funds now flow from the California Department of Education to SELPAs. ■ Information will be shared regarding the types of mental health services Lodi Unified School District will provide to students, new positions required, funding, budget, and timeline for implementation of services
Lodi Area Special Education Region (LASER) Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) Based on student need, we will provide mental health services at our own school sites, including the future Clinical Program at Turner, and continue to serve students placed in Non-Public School programs.
Provision of Services Site-based services will be provided at all high schools and some middle and elementary schools. These services are currently provided by County Mental Health (CMH) at their clinics. Beginning in February 2012, these services will be provided by the selected vendor through the Request For Proposal (RFP) process. In August 2013, we plan to develop the necessary infrastructure to deliver these services with our own employees.
Intensive Intervention Classes ■ We have seven Intensive Intervention classes that serve the needs of K to 12th grade students with emotional, social, behavioral challenges. Placement in these highly-structured, well-staffed therapeutic classes is based on an intensive student evaluation process and a staffing meeting between the sending and receiving school sites/programs.
New Positions New positions are being created to more effectively and efficiently provide mental health services to our students. Four Mental Health Counselors will be hired by February 2012 to meet the therapeutic needs of students in the Intensive Intervention classes. Hire a Coordinator for Mental Health Services to monitor all Mental Health Counselors, programs, and services.
Funding Sources - LASER SELPA All mental health funds now flow through the SELPAs. 2011-2012 LASER SELPA FUNDS TOTAL: $2,004,450 + 2012-2013 LASER SELPA FUNDS Estimated to be approximately $1,500,000
Budget Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Revenue $2,004,450+ Projected Expenditures (January 18 – June 30, 2012) 4 Mental Health Counselors 109,544 Coordinator Mental Health Services 34,936 Principal Alternative Programs (Clinical) 42,861 Payment to Human Services Agency 33,000 Payment to County Mental Health Total Expenditures $220,341 Balance $1,784,109
Budget Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Revenue $1,500,000 Projected Expenditures 4 Mental Health Counselors 328,624 Coordinator Mental Health Services 104,814 Payment to County Mental Health Payment to New Contractor Total Expenditures $433,438 Balance $1,066,562
MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES TIMELINE LASER Superintendent’s Council approves new Mental Health provider 12-13-11 Board Report on Mental Health Services Board of Education approval of job descriptions (Coordinator Mental Health Services and Mental Health Counselor) 1-17-12 Recruitment and hiring of Coordinator 1-18-12 to 2-24-12 Recruitment and hiring of Mental Health Counselors to serve Intensive Intervention classes
Mental Health Services Planning Committee Members Carrie Rutledge-Spencer, School Psychologist Rhonda Baumgartner, Program Specialist Paul Warren, School Counselor Bill Saunders, Coordinator David Wax, Administrative Director