Dorset Marine Protected Areas (MPA) update NRW NRW Dorset Marine Protected Areas (MPA) update Gavin Black Marine Senior Adviser
Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) Marine SACs have not changed much in the last few years. 3 in Dorset. Chesil and the Fleet (lagoons, saltmarsh and vegetated shingle); Lyme Bay and Torbay; Studland to Portland (both for reef). LBTB and S2P were both formally designated as SACs in 2017, previously (since 2011) they were SCIs i.e. they were adopted by EC but not formally designated by the government.
Special Protection Areas (SPA) 2 existing marine/coastal SPAs. 1 of which has recently been extended and 1 site proposed. Poole Harbour extension – now classified for spoonbill, little egret and sandwich tern following consultation.. Underlying SSSI is being extended and will include some marine features inc seagrass beds and tiny forests of fan worms. New locations of SSSI inc saltmarsh in Holes Bay and Lytchett Fields. Solent and Dorset Coast potential SPA – for foraging terns which nest in the vicinity, has been consulted on therefore it is a material consideration. The Minister has formally asked Natural England for further information and advice on the site, including what additional options there are for the protection of the tern species that forage in this area, before reaching a decision on whether it should be classified. Covers shallow waters from Worbarrow Bay (near Lulworth) to Middleton–on-sea (Bognor Regis).
Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) 3 MCZs designated in tranche 1 (2013): CBSL; South Dorset; and Poole Rocks. None in tranche 2 (2016). 5 being considered in tranche 3. South of Portland; Purbeck Coast; Albert Field; Studland Bay and Southborne Rough with additional features being considered for existing MCZs. Defra’s formal consultation on Tranche 3 pMCZs closed on 20th July this year. Following the formal consultation, NE and JNCC as SNCBs are in the process of providing updated advice to Defra for inshore (NE) and offshore (JNCC) pMCZs as a result of new scientific and activity information which has come to light. Ministers will consider all evidence supplied inc ecological and socio-economic considerations and decide which sites will go forward for designation within 1 year from the beginning of the consultation i.e. June 2019.
Marine Protected Area network (‘Blue belt’) Looking at all marine sites together here this shows what the MPA network/Blue Belt may look like in Dorset. This represents part of a wider national and international network which functions as a key framework for protecting, restoring and enhancing marine biodiversity. If managed sustainably the network is greater than the sum of its parts as it will help build resilience within the protected species and habitats, allowing them to better respond to chronic and acute pressures in the marine environment.
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