2018 CFC Event Planning Welcome to the 2018 Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)! As the Campaign Manager/Coordinator for your Agency/ Installation, you join thousands of federal colleagues and military service members in planning and organizing one of the largest and most successful workplace fundraising campaigns in the world. You play a critical role in promoting the CFC within your agency or installation. Through the CFC, federal employees, military service members, federal contractors, and retirees have the opportunity to support their favorite cause by making a monetary or volunteer pledge.
Why have campaign events? Build excitement Employee engagement Powerful motivation Campaign events are strongly encouraged! Taking the time to plan well-organized, interesting campaign events will pay off in the overall success of the CFC in your department, agency, or installation. Campaign events help educate donors about the CFC and its participating charities, promote federal employee engagement, and encourage participation in the campaign. Campaign events can be powerful. Donors are motivated when hearing directly from charities about the incredible impact CFC donations have on the lives of people in need.
Event Guidelines and Regulations Events supplement the campaign, but do not replace the “ask” by a Keyworker. Cash fundraisers are not permitted. CFC funds cannot be used for food, drink, prizes or entertainment. Follow your department or agency’s specific regulations and ethics guidelines. Campaign events are strongly encouraged and offer an additional touch point with potential contributors, but they do not replace the necessity of the personal ask, which is best accomplished through one-on-one contact by a Keyworker. • Cash fundraising events are not permitted under CFC regulations. However, events are a great way to educate your colleagues on how to make their pledge. Have trained campaign workers in attendance to answer questions regarding donation options. Feel free to demo the online pledge portal and have paper Pledge Forms and Pledge Tip Cards available. • Always follow your department or agency's specific regulations and ethics guidelines when planning events. This includes obtaining proper approvals before your event. • CFC funds cannot be used to purchase food or drink. Food and beverages can be donated (e.g., a potluck luncheon). • CFC funds cannot be used to purchase prizes or entertainment.
Types of Events Awareness Charity Fair Guest speaker Special Competitions Contests Recognition Awards Ceremony Thank-you Pot Luck From kickoff to closing out the campaign, events are critical to encourage participation and increase awareness. Events can be part of something already scheduled, like inviting a charity speaker to weekly staff meetings, or they can be a stand-alone, like a chili cook-off. Awareness Events These events educate your community on the options and benefits of supporting charities through the CFC. Invite guest speakers such as leaders at your agency or installation and representatives from CFC-supported charities. These events are a great way to spread the word about the campaign and build motivation to support charities through the CFC. Awareness events can be held at the beginning of the campaign (e.g., a kickoff event) or throughout the campaign (e.g., a charity fair). Special Events These events are often held in conjunction with an event that is already taking place at your agency or installation (e.g., leadership calls and staff meetings, farewell parties, bazaars, training/safety days, etc.). Hosting a friendly CFC competitive event can boost energy around the campaign and add a fun element to an existing event (e.g., push up contest) and provide bragging rights to the winning office or unit. This year, consider planning special events in support of the Cause of the Week, #GivingTuesday (Nov. 27), International Volunteer Day (Dec. 5), or the last five days of the campaign. Recognition Events Recognition events allow department, agency, or installation leaders to publicly recognize and thank campaign workers for their dedication and thank all employees for their generosity through the CFC. These are usually held toward the end of the campaign, as a finale event, or even a few weeks after the completion of the campaign.
Event Idea Brainstorm Now let’s spend some time brainstorming some great event ideas to get your creative juices flowing. Here are a few to get us started… Physical contest (who can do the most push ups, sports game) Competition (chili cookoff, best costume, cutest pet photo) Charity fair/charity speaker Office mini golf Has anyone else attended a great event they can tell us about? Or do you have an idea for a fun event you can share with the group?
Steps to a Successful Event Establish a committee. Request leadership support. Publicize. Follow the checklist. Step One: Establish an active event planning committee. Recruit committee members from all areas and include a variety of ranks/pay grades. Assign each committee member a specific task and deadline. Encourage creativity! Step Two: Request leadership support. Ask leadership to send an email invitation to CFC events. Invite leadership to speak at and/or participate in CFC events. Publicize leadership participation via your website, intranet, newsletter, social media, etc. Step Three: Motivate your co-workers to attend. Ensure there is a “draw” (e.g., a prize, a competition, free food). Make it fun! Publicize, publicize, publicize: be sure everyone knows about the event and is reminded to attend. Step Four: Utilize the Event Planning Checklist in the Event Planning Guide or on the website. Follow the checklist, which offers detailed instructions for planning a successful CFC event.
Involve Charities Local campaign zones should add instructions here about how to invite charities to participate in campaign events People love to learn more about the CFC charities. That is what this campaign is all about! Giving the charities opportunities to share their stories and talk to federal employees will encourage pledging. You will need to work with us, your local Outreach Coordinator, to request charities to attend and support your events and to assure that there is a fair and equitable selection of charities for events and overall coordination within the Zone. Here is how you will do this:
For more information, be sure to visit desertsouthwestcfc.org or Thank you For more information, be sure to visit desertsouthwestcfc.org or facebook.com/desertsouthwestcfc