Excellent +25 Fair +20 Poor +15 Content The 3 main points are well-researched, clear, accurate and entertaining. More than 3 minutes There are three main points that are accurate. More than 2 minutes. There are three or less poorly researched points. Less than 2 minutes. Organization The speech contains a proper introduction, at least 3 main points with details, a proper conclusion and transition words. The speech contains an introduction, a body and a conclusion. The speech is not well-organized. Speech The student connects with the listeners using eye-contact and provides accurate and relevant visual aids. The student speaks well with eye-contact. The student does not connect with the audience, reading straight off the paper or visual aids. Preparation/Execution The student uses a notecard or their research page to deliver an entertaining speech with complete sentences and good vocabulary. The speech is delivered well using a notecard or their research page. The speech is not prepared and not entertaining.