Day 5 – Collapse of Imperial China Enduring Understandings International conflict often leads to domestic changes. 3. In times of crisis, people often turn to strong leaders in search of stability. 4. Aggression will typically continue until it is stopped by force or the threat of force. 5. Conflicts of the 20th Century were rooted in political and ideological differences around the world. Day 5 – Collapse of Imperial China and review of Stalin 10. Why did the Chinese Qing Empire fall to the Kuomintung of Sun Yixian? Identify similarities and differences between the fall of monarchy in China and the fall of monarchy in Russia and France. 11. Describe the ways the Kuomintung was different from the Chinese Communist Party. Why would these differences later lead to significant public support for the Communsits led by Mao Zedong? 12. Create a chart highlighting the differences and similarities between the Soviet Communists and the Chinese Communists. 13. What was the Long March and why was it important?
…From Revolution to Civil War Day 5 – Collapse of Imperial China …From Revolution to Civil War
Day 5 – Collapse of Imperial China “Without a revolutionary theory there cannot be a revolutionary movement.” V. Lenin
Day 5 – Collapse of Imperial China "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.“ Mao Zedong
Day 3 – Collapse of Imperial China and review of Stalin Let me know today of any computer trouble at any time – check to see if there is a network error on the bottom right of screen Questions from Russian Revolution? Questions about the Chinese Civil War and the rise of Mao Zedong? Quick review comparing Russian Revolution to the French Revolution. Imperial China falls to Nationalists and Civil War – complete packet page 14 as you follow along slideshow to understand the fall of Imperial China and the events of the first part of the Chinese Civil War Suggested Level 1 and 2 activities Complete geography skills – The Long March packet page 15 and 16 to understand how geography can help understand historical events Read packet page 17 to understand the connection between Mao and the Chinese peasants. In blackboard, Read the GBB – Chinese Civil War
Comparing Revolutions Russian Revolution similar to that of the French Revolution Russian 1905 Revolution brought in the Duma, permitted by Czar Nicholas, then dissolved by Czar 10 weeks later Russian March 1917 revolution saw the return of the Duma and creation of the Provisionary Government of Kerensky in response to the military and economic problems Peasants (most of population) and urban workers (very few) were very angry. But intelligentsia led the Bolsheviks who led the revolution. Original goal was to create equality and rights for the masses abused by an autocratic absolute monarch. The method of control resulted in violating the very principles the revolutionary ideology promoted Two similarities – 1st - Civil War between Bolsheviks and coalition of Mensheviks, monarchists and aristocracy. 2nd - When Lenin died, the two main factions of Communists competed, with Stalin beating Trotsky for power. Used violence and terror to control people – but people liked Stalin who brought them stability, jobs, growth and strength
Collapse of Imperial China 1. The Qing Dynasty, the last of the ruling Chinese dynasties, collapsed in 1911 under the weight of: Causes: foreign imperialism, inept government, Backward and lacking modernity nationalism for a stronger, independent China. Economic difficulties Conflict among competing warlords Effects: Republic of China under Kuomintang of Sun Yixian created 2. SunYixian gives authority to Yuan Shikai Causes: Sun is a weak, the bureaucracy inept and warlords want power – Yuan Shikai is promised the presidency if he controls the southern warlords Effects: Yuan attempted to become a dictator – violating the democratic principles of Sun Yixian’s revolution. Further civil war amongst warlords, Sun’s Kuomintang and Yuan Shikai’s government Public infrastructure fell into disrepair.
Collapse of Imperial China 3. The May Fourth Movement: Popular nationalist demonstrations involving workers, intellectuals, professionals, small bourgeoisie Caused by: Outrage over Treaty of Versailles that gave parts of China to Japan and allowed Europeans and Americans to retain their spheres Effects: Lots of people supported Chinese nationalism Many young educated Chinese turned away form Western-style modernization and adopted Marxist-Leninist beliefs Chinese Communist Party is created by 1921 4. After Sun Yixian dies, Jiang Jieshi takes over the Kuomintang, gets support from the Soviet Union and joins forces with the Communists to unify China. By 1927, Jiang Jieshi’s army takes Shanghai Cause: fear by Kuomintang that the Communists would take over and create a socialist system (Jiang had lots of support and friends among the wealthy) Effects: Shanghai massacre of Communists, communists were very angry, Britain and US recognized Jiang’s Republic of China. beginning the first Chinese Civil War in Shanghai
Collapse of Imperial China The Long March Causes – Communists were attacked by Kuomintang and had to retreat to save themselves Effects – Mao Zedong became the acknowledged leader of the Communist party, The communists became a very disciplined party More and more peasants supported the communists Communists paid for produce they took Redistributed land to poor peasants Did not participate in corruption like Jiang’s Kuomintang. Japan invades Manchuria (northeastern part of China) Causes – Japan wanted natural resources, Japanese imperialism, China was weak and almost defenseless Effects – China civil war stops – 2nd United Front to save China from Japan – hundreds of thousands of Chinese die, farmland destroyed
Post Dynasty Leaders of China Sun Yixian -1911-12, 1917-25 Jiang Jieshi- 1925-1949 Mao Zedong – 1949-1976
The Long March The Nationalists and the Communists were part of the Kuomintang during the 1920s The Northern Expedition was intended to take control of northern China from the warlords and unite China under one government The Nationalists fought the warlords and the Communists in 1927 Beijing was free for about 7 years until Japan invaded and took control of northern China by 1935 The Long March saw the Communists travel from south and eastern China, specifically Jiangxi, Hunan, Fujian, and Guangdong provinces through Sichuan and Western China into Yanan in Shaanxi province The second united fron occurred to defend China from Japan in WWII Most likely the communists would have been routed because the Kuomintang had defeated and continued to surround the Communist forces.
Mao Zedong 1893-1976 The Nationalist were winning the war until the second Sino-Japanese war broke out, actually the start of WWII in Asia. Mao approached the Nationalists and proposed a cease fire and for the two sides to join in the fight against Japan. Good Plan. Mao received aid from the USA. During the era of WWII the Communist Party in China grew considerably. At the conclusion of WWII, the Communists and the Nationalists resumed their civil war. The Communist eventually prevailed, paving the way for the creation of a Communist China.