Centripetal Governors By Eric Fleurent-Wilson
What on earth is a centripetal gouvernor? Of course it’s… A device that controls the RPM of a motor using centripetal and centrifugal forces
How does one work? The faster the shaft turns, the more the adjusted weights move outwards. This will cause a mechanism to close the fuel line feeding the engine, keep a balance so that the speed stays constant.
Why are they made of plastic? This is a mystery that modern science cannot yet explain…
Why are they used? They are used to regulate the amount of fuel let into an engine in accordance to the RPM.
When are they used? In engines
An appropriate visual aid!
References http://www.free-ed.net/sweethaven/MechTech/EngineMech/EngMech01_Main.asp?iNum=0405 http://100megsfree4.com/dictionary/car-dicc.htm