Good Evening! Welcome to Mrs. Washburn’s Honors Chemistry Class Janie Washburn Room 403 The best way to contact me is through e-mail! Sign up for REMIND: Text @23ch9 to 81010
Bachelors in Chemistry, Teaching Credential, and Masters in Education from University of La Verne 8th Year Teaching – 7th at Hemet High I grew up on a dairy and married into a farming (citrus) family. Own and operate a fruit stand in East Hemet with my husband. Who am I?
I used to coach the volleyball team but stopped when I had my son. This is Brayden, he is 16 months old. Who am I?
Designed for students that want to take more science classes, especially AP Biology, AP Chemistry, and AP Physics. Not designed for students who just want the “honors” designation. I assume kids in the honors class have a stronger math background and I will move much faster than regular chemistry. I recommend they are in Algebra 2 or Higher. Does not help GPA at all. Still counts as a 4pt class. Honors Chemistry
Honors Chemistry Grade Breakdown Materials for class Classwork and Homework is 25% Tests and Quizzes are 35% Labs/Writing/Notebooks are 30% Final Exam is 10% Materials for class Should Bring Book Everyday Need a Scientific Calculator for homework Loose Leaf Paper and Interactive Notebook Pens and/or Pencils Honors Chemistry
Honors Chemistry Homework Lab Behavior Tests Will be assigned either in the notebook, on loose-leaf paper, or a worksheet. Due the next day for a Stamp Stamp = Full Credit Complete but no stamp = ½ Credit Not complete = No Credit Lab Behavior Lab Safety Test and Lab License Lab Safety Contract – signed by student and parent. Tests No Retakes - Study the first time! Approximately 2 tests per unit, with a total of 5 units. Will have multiple choice, true/false, and short answer. Honors Chemistry